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Subject: [DRAFT] OASIS WSS TC Minutes 2005-08-23

OASIS WSS TC Minutes 2005-08-23

New Action Items

AI 2005-08-23-01 Gudge to send the material on RFC 4120 changes to
technical contacts from the TC's Kerberos interop to determine if they
are able to move to the new RFC.

AI 2005-08-23-02 Corinna and Gudge to work with Editor's to propose
revised text for this editorial problem.

AI 2005-08-23-03 Gudge to ask a professional cryptographic expert to
look at the contradiction in Issue 418 and make a recommendation to the

AI 2005-08-23-04 Gudge will attempt to propose revised text for Issue

AI 2005-08-23-05 Gudge to mail revised text for Issue 429 to the TC.

AI 2005-08-23-06 Gudge/Vijay to send results of Kerberos interop to the
TC and to highlight if there were any issues raised.

1. Call to order, roll call

The meeting started at 10:05am EDT with Chris Kaler and Kelvin Lawrence
in the chair.  Paul Cotton volunteered to record these minutes.

<Roll call to be added>

2. Reading/approving minutes of last meeting (Aug 9th) [1]
[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wss/200508/msg00017.html

The minutes of the Aug 9 meeting were adopted unanimously.

3. Issue list review, public review comments, doc status.
Issues list:
Version 45, Modified on Monday July 26, 2004 23:19:23 -0700 

a) Issue 310 Pending
This issue was missing edits.  Still Pending additional text to be added
by Tony.

b) Issue 334 Pending

Frederick sent email suggesting that we include xml:id in the table.
Tony pushed back on this change for compatibility reasons.  Frederick
wants xml:id to the list in Core so that any new token profile knows it
is not precluded.  Frederick is NOT suggesting we go back and re-do any
existing profiles.  Others supported Frederick.  

Duane requested that the list be clearly as stated as non-exclusive.

Gudge expressed concern that mentioning xml:id in Core would force
implementers to support xml:id since someone might use it in a token
that would be used with the Core implementation.  

Chris K agreed that this would force everyone that supports WSS 1.1 to
support xml:id.  In addition Chris wondered if there was more spec work
that was needed for the case that more than one *:id attribute is used
(Gudge suggested this was an error).

Paul tried to summarize the positions:
a) put xml:id in now for the longer term
b) don't put xml:id in now since it has immediate compatibility

Frederick asked how we would deal with XML 1.1 if WSS 1.1 was already a
standard.  Paul pointed out that lots of other parts of the lower stack
could change e.g. XML Schema 1.1, new C14N, etc.

Decision: leave pending and Frederick will consider providing a detailed
proposal.  The meeting agreed to decide this issue at the Sep 6 meeting.

c) Issue 389 Pending
Text was in document before last meeting already according to Thomas.

d) Issue 403 Pending.
Text was in document before last meeting already according to Thomas.

e) Issue 338 Open
No change.

f) Issue 394 Interop document for SAML 2.0 Open
Abbie completed an interop document and sent it to the editors of the
previous interop document.  Some of those editors are on vacation and
Abbie hopes to send a document to the TC by early next week.  Still

g) Issue 404 RFC 4120 vs rfc 1510 notes Open
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wss/200508/msg00018.html (Aug 19th)

Duane's email points out that RFC 4120 obsoletes RFC 1510.  In addition
RFC 1420 says it is not backwards compatible.   

Chris suggested that the Kerberos implementers need to evaluate the
changes outlined by Duanne.  Gudge asked if we could leave our Kerberos
spec as is since that is what we interop'ed on.  Chris replied that we
should try to see if vendors can indeed support RFC 4120. 

AI 2005-08-23-01 Gudge to send the material on RFC 4120 changes to
technical contacts from the TC's Kerberos interop to determine if they
are able to move to the new RFC.

Open and we will try to decide at Sept 6 meeting.

h) Issue 405 Likely error in the value type of the EncryptedKey STR. 

Text betweens 1081-1090 makes it very hard to decide what "value type"
is being referred to.  

Gudge has a proposal to clarify this text which he can send later today.

AI 2005-08-23-02 Corinna and Gudge to work with Editor's to propose
revised text for the editorial problem identified by Issue 405.

Status to be changed to Pending.

Corinna asked if this change will subsume the change requested in:
This will become issue 429 since it is a different issue.

i) Issue 406 SAML Editorial comments
Ron replied that he agreed.  Status to be changed to Pending since we do
not yet have a document showing the changes.

j) Issue 407 REL comments
Thomas uploaded a document with these changes.  Status to be changed to
Pending Review.

Kelvin asked if these are editorial.  Gudge said he thought they were

k) Issue 408 Editorial comments on Kerberos
Status is Pending.

l) Issue 409 Editorial comments on X.509
Status is Pending.

m) Issue 410 Editorial comments User Name
Email id in Issues list should be msg 5 (not msg 4).  Status is Pending.

n) Issue 411 Editorial comments on Core
Status is Pending.

o) Isse 412 REL token
Thomas has uploaded a document with this change.  Status to be changed
to Pending Review.

p) Issue 413 Kerberos comments from Gudge, Issue 1
The meeting agreed with Gudge's suggested change to have the value type
attribute on the reference element.  The answer to the first question in
Gudge's email is Yes.  Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make

q) Issue 414 Kerberos comments from Gudge, Issue 2
Gudge does not believe he is changing the semantics of the sentence but
since he did not understand the original sentence we reviewed the
The meeting agreed to make Gudge's suggested change.  Status to be
changed to Pending (editors to make change).

r) Issue 415 Kerberos comments from Gudge, Issues 3 and 4
WSS should be in the list of Normative References and it should be to
WSS 1.1.  The meeting agreed to make Gudge's suggested change.  Status
to be changed to Pending (editors to make change).

s) Issue 416 User Name token profile comment
The meeting agreed that this was a cut and paste error. Status to be
changed to Pending (editors to make change).

t) Issue 417 User Name token profile comment
What is the type of Salt element? Should this be a base64 type?  

Kelvin asked if that would impact interop?  Chris said no since we did
not test this.

The meeting agreed that the type should be base64 type. Status to be
changed to Pending (editors to make change).  The Editors are reminded
to actually change the schema.

u) Issue 418 User name token profile comment
Does decimal value mean xs:decimal or xs:unsignedInteger.  The meeting
agreed that the type should be xs:unsignedInteger. Status to be changed
to Pending (editors to make change).  The Editors are reminded to
actually change the schema.

v) Issue 419 User name token profile comment
Line 191 and 383 appear to give contradicting advice about where to put
the password.

Irving suggested we get a cryptographic expert at this difference.
Duane asked if we leave the difference that we consider adding an

AI 2005-08-23-03 Gudge to ask a professional cryptographic expert to
look at the contradiction in Issue 418 and make a recommendation to the

Status remains Open with the Action on Gudge.

w) Issue 420 X.509 token profile comment
Line 157 is missing a URI.  The meeting agreed.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change). 

x) Issue 421 X.509 token profile comment
Line 176 description for the single certificate cases is not correct.
The meeting agreed.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change).

y) Issue 422 X.509 token profile comment.
The URI should be relative to WSS 1.0 URI.  The meeting agreed.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change). 

z) Issue 423 X.509 token profile comment
Line 248 value in ValueType column is wrong.  The meeting agreed.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change).

aa) Issue 424 X.509 token profile comment
Line 430 needs to permit Thumbprint support.  The meeting decided to add
an example of Thumbprint support and delete lines 430-431.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change).

ab) Issue 425 SAML token profile comments
Ron replied and agreed to make a change for the third item.  No changes
were needed for the first two items.  The meeting agreed.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change).

ac) Issue 426 Kerberos token profile comment
The meeting agreed to make this change.  Gudge will send revised text to
the Editors.  

Duane suggests that Gudge check RFC 4120.  Chris thought this was just a
wording problem.

Status to be changed to Pending (editors to make change to be proposed
by Gudge).

ad) Issue 427 Core comment
We do actually specify usage of STR's outside security headers and
therefore the proposed re-wording is not correct.  

Paul asked if we could get re-wording to cover the commenter's case and
our use of STR's outside of security headers.

AI 2005-08-23-04 Gudge will attempt to propose revised text for Issue

Kelvin suggested that the proposed wording be sent back to the comment

Status to remain Open.

ae) Issue 428 Recursive security token reference
Chris expressed concern about recursive definition without doing interop
on it.

Paul pointed out that this is change request for WSS 1.0 since it is not
specific to the functionality in WSS 1.1.

Frederick would like to keep this Open to permit supporters of this
problem to further explain their case.  The commenter does not want to
embed a token more than once.

Status to remain Open.  The TC agreed to close this at the Sept 6

af) Issue 429 (created at this meeting)

"The use of STR/Reference/@ValueType to identify the type of the
referenced security token is deprecated. (line 912)
The recommended way is to use STR/@wsse:TokenType."

AI 2005-08-23-05 Gudge to mail revised text for Issue 429 to the TC.

Status to remain Open.  The TC agreed to close this at the Sept 6

> 4. Interop status for 1.1

Kelvin asked if any more companies had participated in the Interop.
Gudge believes that there is interop between at least four participants.

AI 2005-08-23-06 Gudge/Vijay to send results of Kerberos interop to the
TC and to highlight if there were any issues raised.

> 5. Other business

a) RSA and Versign proposal for OTP token profile proposal

The proposal arrived at about 9pm EDT last night.  Due to the late
arrival of the proposal the TC decided to discuss this at the Sept 6

> 6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:48am EDT.


Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada 
17 Eleanor Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2E 6A3 
Tel: (613) 225-5445 Fax: (425) 936-7329 


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