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Subject: [Fwd: Re: [wss] Action Item 2005-08-23-01: Kerberos Token Profile andRFC1510 vs RFC 4120]


As breifly discussed in today's call, I sent this msg based on an action
item I received in our previous call.

That action was basically to determine if the krb5 tp employs the
TokenType attribute. I asked this question when I saw that uri values
were being defined for use in the ValueType attribute.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [wss] Action Item 2005-08-23-01: Kerberos Token Profile and
RFC1510 vs RFC 4120
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:16:09 -0400
From: Ron Monzillo <Ronald.Monzillo@Sun.COM>
Reply-To: Ronald.Monzillo@Sun.COM
To: Martin Gudgin <mgudgin@microsoft.com>
CC: wss@lists.oasis-open.org


Does the Krb5 token profile require that 1.1 message senders set the
wsse:TokenType attribute in STR values?

Note that in lines 924 to 928 of the core we recommended that use of
the Reference:ValueType attribute to identify the type of a referenced
token be discontinued (and that new profiles should employ the TokenType
attribute for this purpose).

we expect that this may be an evolutionary process, where for some time,
the ValueType attribute may continue to be used in addition to the
TokenType attribute.

Since the KrB5 profile is being standardized by 1.1, it would seem that
we could do without specifying new values to be included in ValuType,
and that these new token type identifying values could and should be
introduced as TokenType values.


Martin Gudgin wrote:
> Having surveyed the vast array of interop participants I believe we have
> two possible courses of action;
> 1.	Do nothing.
> 2.	Update the Kerberos Token Profile by making the following
> changes;
> 	a) Add a reference to RFC4120 to Section 5.
> 	b) Add 4 URIs to the table in Section 3.2 as follows
> URI:
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2005/xx/oasis-2005xx-wss-kerberos-token-p
> rofile-1.1#Kerberosv5_AP_REQ1510
> Description: Kerberos v5 AP-REQ as defined in RFC1510. This ValueType is
> used when the ticket is an AP Request per RFC1510
> URI:
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2005/xx/oasis-2005xx-wss-kerberos-token-p
> rofile-1.1#GSS_Kerberosv5_AP_REQ1510
> Description: A GSS wrapped Kerberos v5 AP-REQ as defined in the GSSAPI
> specification. This ValueType is used when the ticket is an AP Request
> (ST + Authenticator) per RFC1510.
> URI:
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2005/xx/oasis-2005xx-wss-kerberos-token-p
> rofile-1.1#Kerberosv5_AP_REQ4120
> Description: Kerberos v5 AP-REQ as defined in RFC4120. This ValueType is
> used when the ticket is an AP Request per RFC4120
> URI:
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2005/xx/oasis-2005xx-wss-kerberos-token-p
> rofile-1.1#GSS_Kerberosv5_AP_REQ4120
> Description: A GSS wrapped Kerberos v5 AP-REQ as defined in the GSSAPI
> specification. This ValueType is used when the ticket is an AP Request
> (ST + Authenticator) per RFC4120.
> 	c) Amend the descriptions of the first URI currently in Section
> 3.2 as follows;
> URI:
> http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2005/xx/oasis-2005xx-wss-kerberos-token-p
> rofile-1.1#Kerberosv5_AP_REQ
> Description: Kerberos v5 AP-REQ as defined in either RFC1510 and
> RFC4120. This ValueType is used when the ticket is an AP Request.
> Regards
> Gudge	
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