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xacml-comment message

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Subject: [xacml-comment] The namespace URI for XACML data types

Section 1.3 mentions a namespace URI for XACML data types. It should be

Satoshi Hada
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
----- Forwarded by Satoshi Hada/Japan/IBM on 2002/11/14 14:09 -----
|         |           Satoshi Hada     |
|         |                            |
|         |           2002/11/09 02:16 |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                          |
  |       To:       xacml-comment@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                       |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                |
  |       From:     Satoshi Hada/Japan/IBM@IBMJP                                                                             |
  |       Subject:  An editorial comment on the XACML 1.0 document                                                           |
  |                                                                                                                          |
  |                                                                                                                          |

Appendix B.1 says that two namespaces are defined, but there are three URIs
The URI for XACML datatypes should be removed?

Satoshi Hada
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory

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