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Subject: [xacml] List of mandatory date/duration functions

Attached is an updated copy of ConformanceTests.html, which
contains an updated list of mandatory functions.

Please review to see if this is correct.

Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692

Title: XACML Conformance Tests

XACML Conformance Tests

Version: 1.6, 02/07/25 (yy/mm/dd) Author: Anne Anderson Source: /net/labeast.east/files2/east/info/projects/isrg/xacml/docs/SCCS/s.ConformanceTests.html


  1. Description of Tests
  2. Mandatory-to-Implement Functionality Tests
    1. Attribute References
    2. Target Matching
    3. Function Evaluation
    4. Combining Algorithms
    5. Schema components
  3. Optional Functionality Tests
    1. Obligations
    2. Advice
    3. Multiple Decisions
    4. Protecting XML documents
    5. Non-mandatory Functions
    6. Non-standard Combining Algorithms
    7. Non-standard Combining Algorithms

  1. Description of Tests
  2. Tests are divided into those that exercise Mandatory-to-Implement functionality and those that exercise Optional functionality. All conforming implementations MUST support all Mandatory-to-Implement functionality. Conforming implementations MAY support specific Optional functionality areas.

    Tests are divided into groups based on the primary area of functionality or schema being exercised.

    Each test case consists of three XML documents:

    1. An XACML Request
    2. An XACML Policy or set of Policy documents
    3. An XACML Response

    A conforming implementation of an XACML Policy Decision Point (PDP) must be able to:

    1. Accept the given Request as input
    2. Accept the given Policy as input
    3. Produce the given Response as output

    A conforming implementation of an XACML Policy Administration Point (PAP) must be able to generate each given XACML Policy example except for those marked INVALID.

  3. Mandatory-to-Implement Functionality Tests
  4. This section contains tests of all mandatory-to-implement functionality. All conforming implementations must pass all these tests.

    1. Attribute References
    2. These tests exercise referencing of attribute values in the Request by a policy.

      1. Case: Simple type attribute element present in Request
      2. Case: Simple type attribute element not present in Request, but retrievable by Attribute Authority
      3. Case: Simple type attribute element not present in Request and not retrievable by Attribute Authority
      4. Case: INVALID syntax for Attribute Selector
      5. Case: INVALID syntax for Request attribute

    3. Target Matching
    4. These tests exercise various forms of Target matching.

      1. Case: match: anySubject, anyResource, anyAction
      2. Case: match: anySubject, anyResource, specified action
      3. Case: no match: anySubject, anyResource, specified action
      4. Case: match: specific Subject type
      5. Case: no match: specific Subject type
      6. Case: match: multiple specific Subject types
      7. Case: no match: multiple specific Subject types
      8. Case: match: specific Subject identifier
      9. Case: no match: specific Subject identifier
      10. Case: match: specific Subject attribute
      11. Case: no match: specific Subject attribute
      12. Case: match: specific Subject identifier and attribute
      13. Case: no match: specific Subject identifier and attribute
      14. Case: match: specific resource
      15. Case: no match: specific resource
      16. Case: match: specific Resource attribute
      17. Case: no match: specific Resource attribute
      18. Case: match: multiple specific resources
      19. Case: no match: multiple specific resources
      20. Case: match: impliedAction
      21. Case: no match: impliedAction
      22. Case: match: specific action
      23. Case: no match: specific action
      24. Case: match: multiple specific actions
      25. Case: no match: multiple specific actions

    5. Function Evaluation
    6. These tests exercise each of the functions.

      1. Case: Function with Function argument
      2. Case: Function with Attribute argument
      3. Case: Function with AttributeDesignator argument
      4. Case: true: Condition Evaluation
      5. Case: false: Condition Evaluation
      6. Case: Condition Evaluation - non-boolean datatype
      7. Case: function:integer-add
      8. Case: function:integer-add - non-integer datatype
      9. Case: function:decimal-add
      10. Case: function:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time
      11. Case: function:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime
      12. Case: function:add-yearMonthDurations
      13. Case: function:add-dayTimeDurations
      14. Case: function:integer-subtract
      15. Case: function:decimal-subtract
      16. Case: function:time-subtract
      17. Case: function:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time
      18. Case: function:subtract-yearMonthDurations
      19. Case: function:subtract-dayTimeDurations
      20. Case: function:integer-multiply
      21. Case: function:decimal-multiply
      22. Case: function:multiply-yearMonthDurations
      23. Case: function:multiply-dayTimeDurations
      24. Case: function:numeric-divide
      25. Case: function:divide-yearMonthDurations
      26. Case: function:divide-dayTimeDurations
      27. Case: function:integer-mod
      28. Case: function:decimal-mod
      29. Case: function:round
      30. Case: function:floor
      31. Case: function:decimal
      32. Case: true: function:integer-equal
      33. Case: false: function:integer-equal
      34. Case: true: function:decimal-equal
      35. Case: false: function:decimal-equal
      36. Case: true: function:boolean-equal
      37. Case: false: function:boolean-equal
      38. Case: true: function:string-equal: literal string
      39. Case: true: function:string-equal: regExp
      40. Case: false: function:string-equal: literal string
      41. Case: false: function:string-equal: regExp string
      42. Case: true: function:xpath-equal
      43. Case: false: function:xpath-equal
      44. Case: true: function:rfc822Name-equal
      45. Case: true: function:rfc822Name-equal - dominance
      46. Case: false: function:rfc822Name-equal
      47. Case: false: function:rfc822Name-equal - dominance
      48. Case: true: function:x500Name-equal
      49. Case: true: function:x500Name-equal - dominance
      50. Case: false: function:x500Name-equal
      51. Case: false: function:x500Name-equal - dominance
      52. Case: true: function:date-equal
      53. Case: false: function:date-equal
      54. Case: true: function:time-equal
      55. Case: false: function:time-equal
      56. Case: true: function:datetime-equal
      57. Case: false: function:datetime-equal
      58. Case: true: function:yearMonthDuration-equal
      59. Case: false: function:yearMonthDuration-equal
      60. Case: true: function:dayTimeDuration-equal
      61. Case: false: function:dayTimeDuration-equal
      62. Case: true: function:gregorian-equal
      63. Case: false: function:gregorian-equal
      64. Case: true: function:hex-binary-equal
      65. Case: false: function:hex-binary-equal
      66. Case: true: function:base64-binary-equal
      67. Case: false: function:base64-binary-equal
      68. Case: true: function:anyURI-equal
      69. Case: false: function:anyURI-equal
      70. Case: true: function:QName-equal
      71. Case: false: function:QName-equal
      72. Case: true: function:NOTATION-equal
      73. Case: false: function:NOTATION-equal
      74. Case: true: function:integer-greater-than
      75. Case: false: function:integer-greater-than
      76. Case: true: function:decimal-greater-than
      77. Case: false: function:decimal-greater-than
      78. Case: true: function:boolean-greater-than
      79. Case: false: function:boolean-greater-than
      80. Case: true: function:string-greater-than
      81. Case: false: function:string-greater-than
      82. Case: true: function:date-greater-than
      83. Case: false: function:date-greater-than
      84. Case: true: function:time-greater-than
      85. Case: false: function:time-greater-than
      86. Case: true: function:datetime-greater-than
      87. Case: false: function:datetime-greater-than
      88. Case: true: function:yearMonthDuration-greater-than
      89. Case: false: function:yearMonthDuration-greater-than
      90. Case: true: function:dayTimeDuration-greater-than
      91. Case: false: function:dayTimeDuration-greater-than
      92. Case: true: function:integer-greater-than-or-equal
      93. Case: false: function:integer-greater-than-or-equal
      94. Case: true: function:decimal-greater-than-or-equal
      95. Case: false: function:decimal-greater-than-or-equal
      96. Case: true: function:string-greater-than-or-equal
      97. Case: false: function:string-greater-than-or-equal
      98. Case: true: function:date-greater-than-or-equal
      99. Case: false: function:date-greater-than-or-equal
      100. Case: true: function:time-greater-than-or-equal
      101. Case: false: function:time-greater-than-or-equal
      102. Case: true: function:datetime-greater-than-or-equal
      103. Case: false: function:datetime-greater-than-or-equal
      104. Case: true: function:yearMonthDuration-greater-than-or-equal
      105. Case: false: function:yearMonthDuration-greater-than-or-equal
      106. Case: true: function:dayTimeDuration-greater-than-or-equal
      107. Case: false: function:dayTimeDuration-greater-than-or-equal
      108. Case: true: function:string-match: literal string
      109. Case: true: function:string-match: regExp
      110. Case: false: function:string-match: literal string
      111. Case: false: function:string-match: regExp
      112. Case: true: function:and
      113. Case: false: function:and
      114. Case: true: function:or
      115. Case: false: function:or
      116. Case: true: function:ordered-or
      117. Case: false: function:ordered-or
      118. Case: true: function:n-of
      119. Case: false: function:n-of
      120. Case: true: function:not
      121. Case: false: function:not
      122. Case: true: function:present
      123. Case: false: function:present
      124. Case: true: function:subset
      125. Case: false: function:subset
      126. Case: true: function:superset
      127. Case: false: function:superset
      128. Case: true: function:non-null-set-intersection
      129. Case: false: function:non-null-set-intersection

    7. Combining Algorithms
    8. These tests exercise each of the mandatory Combining Algorithms.

      1. Case: true: Policy DenyOverrides
      2. Case: false: Policy DenyOverrides
      3. Case: true: PolicySet DenyOverrides
      4. Case: false: PolicySet DenyOverrides
      5. Case: true: Policy PermitOverrides
      6. Case: false: Policy PermitOverrides
      7. Case: true: PolicySet PermitOverrides
      8. Case: false: PolicySet PermitOverrides

    9. Schema components
    10. This section lists test cases for certain components of the schema not exercised by tests cases above.

      1. Case: RuleDesignator
      2. Case: PolicyStatementDesignator
      3. Case: PolicySetStatementDesignator
      4. Case: PolicyStatement inside Assertion
      5. Case: PolicySetStatement inside Assertion
      6. Case: PolicySet including PolicySetId
      7. Case: PolicySet including PolicyId
      8. Case: PolicySet including PolicySetStatement
      9. Case: PolicySet including PolicyStatement
      10. Case: PolicySet including PolicySetAssertion
      11. Case: PolicySet including PolicyAssertion
      12. Case: PolicySet including PolicySetAssertion reference
      13. Case: PolicySet including PolicyAssertion reference
      14. Case: RuleSet containing Rule
      15. Case: RuleSet containing RuleDesignator
      16. Case: RuleDesignator containing RuleDigest
      17. Case: Request SubjectId containing Format
      18. Case: Request SubjectId containing Qualifier
      19. Case: Request Subject containing ds:KeyInfo
      20. Case: Request Subject containing AuthenticationInfo Method
      21. Case: Request Subject containing AuthenticationInfo Instant
      22. Case: Request Attribute containing Issuer
      23. Case: Request Attribute containing IssueInstant
      24. Case: Request ResourceSpecifier containing Format
      25. Case: Request ResourceSpecifier containing Scope:Immediate
      26. Case: Request ResourceSpecifier containing Scope:Children
      27. Case: Request ResourceSpecifier containing Scope:Descendants
      28. Case: Response containing DecisionType Indeterminate
      29. Case: match: EnvironmentAttribute
      30. Case: no match: EnvironmentAttribute

  5. Optional Functionality Tests
  6. These tests exercise areas of functionality that are not mandatory-to-implement.

    1. Obligations
      1. Case: Obligation containing AttributeDesignator
      2. Case: Obligation containing AttributeAssignment

    2. Advice

    3. Multiple Decisions

    4. Protecting XML documents
      1. Case: AttributeDesignator pointing into XML document
      2. Case: Resource as subspace of an XML document

    5. Non-mandatory Functions
    6. Functions on Dates

      In XACML 1.0, we mandate support for time and duration functions and data types, but do not mandate support for functions on dates. In the future, support for functions on dates will be mandatory.

      1. Case: function:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date
      2. Case: function:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date
      3. Case: function:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime
      4. Case: function:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime
      5. Case: function:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date
      6. Case: function:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date
      7. Case: function:date-subtract
      8. Case: function:datetime-subtract
      9. Case: function:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime
      10. Case: function:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime

    7. Non-standard Combining Algorithms

Anne Anderson
Last modified: Tue Jul 23 14:55:32 EDT 2002

  • Non-standard Combining Algorithms

    Anne Anderson
    Last modified: Thu Jul 25 14:46:15 EDT 2002

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