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Subject: [xacml] Fwd: env attributes

Problem noted by Seth Proctor.

Anne Anderson          Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Burlington, MA         781-442-0928
--- Begin Message ---

In section 10.3.5 of 18d, the spec calls out three attribute identifiers that
the PDP must be able to handle specially (these are current-time, current-date,
and current-dateTime). Is the idea that these would appear in an AD in a
policy, and the PDP is supposed to know to resolve these values itself rather
than looking in the Request? I think that's the idea, but it's not spelled
out explicitly in the text.

Also, these go on that list I started earlier of attributes that should be
defined to always be of a particular type:

  subject-category       string or URI
  resource-id            string or URI
  scope                  string
  current-time           ???
  current-date           date
  current-dateTime       dateTime

Since each of these identifiers must be special-cased by the PDP, they must
always be of a known type. There may be others that should be on this list,
but most of the other identifiers are not treated in any special way by the
PDP, so the type information is transparent to the PDP.

--- End Message ---

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