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Subject: [xacml] Problem in SubjectQualifier/SubjectAttributeDesignatorWhere
-------Forwarded for Seth Proctor--------------------------------------------- I think there's a problem with the schema involving the SubjectAttributeDesignatorWhere (or the proposed name SubjectQualifier, which I like more). It used to extend SubjectAttributeDesignatorType, but with the addition of the category element, it now only extends AttributeDesignatorType. It still contains, however, a list of SubjectMatchType, which in turn use SubjectAttributeDesignatorType as their designator. Shouldn't the match elements also extend AttributeDesignatorType and not SubjectAttributeDesignatorType in the SubjectQualifier? I think this needs a new match type that uses AttributeDesignator but is specified in the spec to look in the subject section of the request for all attributes.
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