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Subject: Re: [xacml] [Text Change] Clarify A.3 Structured types does not castor convert values

On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Anne Anderson wrote:

> In Section A.3 Structured types, item 1., paragraph starting with
> "1, change second sentence from:
>   "This requires the structured data, including its tags and
>    attributes, to be identified and treated as an instance of the
>    data-type xsi:string."
> To:
>   "This requires the structured data <AttributeValue> to be given the
>    DataType="xsi:string".  For example, a structured data type
>    that is actually a ds:KeyInfo/KeyName would appear in the
>    Context as:
>    <AttributeValue
>      DataType="xsi:string"><ds:KeyName>jhibbert-key</ds:KeyName></AttributeValue>

Isn't the datatype now:


Now, if you do not regard the data as a string, and you actually give
it a data type, i.e. extension to standard XACML, I wonder what happens
for the following problem.

Does the data within the attribute value have to be completely contained?

For example, if you have <ds:KeyName>jhibberi-key</ds:KeyName> where is
the "ds:" name space defined? (In the begining of the context? of which it
cannot be guarranteed to be there) Or in the attribute value?


> RATIONALE: Way#1 could be read as implying that the structured
> data type is automatically cast or converted to the type required
> by the function that references it.  We should be very clear that
> this does NOT occur.
> Anne
> --
> Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
> Sun Microsystems Laboratories
> 1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
> Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692
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