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Subject: Re: [xacml] Modeling Delegation of Rights in a simplified XACML with Haskell

Frank Siebenlist wrote:

> I don't believe so, because the delegation tree is build up of decisions 
> and not policies. So if you someone come in with a request for the 
> action read, the policies will be evaluated to match that action. If you 
> issued a deny on read and write, that will yield a deny on a reqest for 
> read. The policy that give you the read permit access will yield permit 
> resulting in a overall deny. If a write request came in, then your 
> policy will initially yield a deny on the write action, but the previous 
> policy that delegated you the read action doesn't give you a permit on 
> write and therefor yields NA, which also invalidates your initial deny 
> on write in a NA.
> Bill's policy for frank: {denyEffect if (action==read or action==write}
> PDP's policy for bill:   {permitEffect if (action==read)}
> if i come in with a read request the decisions combination will be:
> <frank|D|bill><bill|P|PDP> => <frank|P|PDP>
> if i come in with a write the decisions combination is:
> <frank|D|bill><bill|N|PDP> => <frank|N|PDP>

hmmm, maybe i didn't explain this correctly. lemme try this, how would 
you handle this policy combination (from the issuer viability decision):

<policy issuer=bill>
   if the sun is up deny frank create on uri:/ABC/
   if the moon is up deny frank read on uri:/ABC/XYZ

<policy issue=sue>
   if it is thursday deny bill read on uri:/ABC/XYZ

it is thursday, both the sun and moon are out, frank tries to rename 
(recreate) uri:/ABC/XYZ. i read this to mean that the PDP must evaluate 
this as one policy four times:

can frank read uri:/ABC/XYZ
can frank create uri:/ABC/XYZ'
can bill read uri:/ABC/XYZ (implied authority derived from sue's policy)
can bill create uri:/ABC/XYZ'(ditto)

> We may have the same issue in the current xacml (or any authorization 
> system), when the number of policy statements explode because you either 
> need unique policies per subject or per resource. You normally throw in 
> the towel and force the subjects or resources to keep their own policies 
> with them (like data labeling) and try to find other abstraction 
> mechanisms to keep the policy manageable (like matching clearance levels 
> to labels).

yes and no. what i am suggesting is that at the very least we experience 
a doubling of evaluation effort over the current model and i fear that 
once the model is extended to policysets (they will have issuers as 
well, correct?), etc. we may face combinatorial explosion in the number 
of evaluations.


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