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Subject: Delegation draft 13 uploaded


I have updated the delegation draft to the new OASIS document template.
I have not changed the content, except fixed a few typos I found. I did
the updating the hard way, that is, I copied the text from the old
document into the new one as plain text and reformatted everything so I
am sure I did not leave any old formatting laying around. Because of
this I did not make a diff this time.

Thanks to Anne for her help with the guidelines. :-)

There are a few minor points worth mentioning:

* The template contains an artifact identifier on the title page. If I
understand it correctly, artifact identifiers are no longer used and the
template is out of date. I just left it there while we wait for an
updated template. The same goes for a couple of more headings that seem
to be out of date or missing.

* I didn't fill in the acknowledgments. It might be a good idea to do so
continuously so we don't forget about anybody. Who should go there?

*  The new templates and guidelines say that all non-normative text
should be placed in the appendix. In the previous version of the draft
there is much non-normative text scattered in the document. I have not
changed that yet. Unless there are objections to it, I will try to
refactor the doc to conform to this.

* I had some small problems with the styles:

  - There is no style for a numbered list item. (There is a bulleted
list item.) I just made a numbered list myself.

  - I would have liked styles for tables. (Including a heading style
which looks different from the other table cells)

  - I was not sure which style to use for identifiers such as attribute
identifiers. I just used something called "HTML typewriter", but this is
likely not right.

  - There is no style to use for headings in bulleted lists. With this I
mean a style to highlight a short description in a bulleted list. See
section 8 for an example of what I mean. I suppose an alternative is to
rewrite the list as subsections.

I will send these comments on the template to the TC administration as
suggested by the web page where the templates can be found.

* I am not sure if the related work section on the title page is in the
right form. When Tim started the delegation draft, he used document
identifiers here. The new template I am using does not have a document
identifier. It has an artifact identifier, but I think artifact
identifiers are not part of the normative guidelines and the template is
out of date. I just filled in the title of the specification as text.
Anyway, I don't think it is important that this is absolutely correct at
this stage.

That's all! I will proceed to update the draft to use attribute categories.


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