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Subject: Re: [xacml] RSA 2008


this is only a sketch, it has some interesting aspects, but someone has 
to sign up and develop this in detail.

It also makes references to many non-standard concepts: filtering, 
patient preferences, consent etc. None of this has been standardized 
within XACML, in fact, the Liberty Alliance IGF effort directly speaks 
to formalizing these concepts based on a XACML foundation.

In addition,  there is a minimum of 2-3 person months of detailed work 
here before this can be something our products team can
engage with.

Who is the person(s) and when do they plan to start work on this?

- prateek

> Please review this scenario before the call today, so sorry for the delay.
> Regards,
> Dee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Staggs, David (SAIC) [mailto:David.Staggs@va.gov]
> *Sent:* Monday, November 05, 2007 5:30 PM
> *To:* Dee Schur; Anthony Nadalin
> *Cc:* Davis, John M.
> *Subject:* RE: RSA 2008
> Dee
> Attached is a DRAFT of the 2008 RSA demonstration....
> Regards
> David
> <dee said>
> Hi,
> I spoke with Sampo and Symlabs is also interested in the InterOp Demo 
> at RSA if we extend the scenerio. So, now it seems we have:
> Oracle
> Sun
> Axiomatics
> Securent
> Red Hat
> Veterans Health Admin.
> Symlabs
> I am getting a lot of pushback from RSA, so I think our window of 
> opportunity is closing unless we come up with a compelling scenario 
> today or tomorrow! Please, if we want to move forward, I need 
> something to work with ASAP.
> Tony,
> Could you pull together some of the ideas we discussed in Barcelona 
> for the group?
> Thanks so much!
> Best,
> Dee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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