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Subject: FW: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17

The group asked about an XACML panel for NIST IDtrust 2008. Can someone take
on the task of creating a five page (or less) document?
Do we know who would like to be on the panel at NIST?

-----Original Message-----
From: sara@nist.gov [mailto:sara@nist.gov] 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 1:25 PM
To: Dee Schur
Cc: neal@bcn.boulder.co.us; seamons@cs.byu.edu
Subject: RE: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17


Per the CFP, panel proposal should be five pages or less:

"Proposals for panels should be no longer than five pages and include
panelists and an indication of which panelists have confirmed


Can you answer Dee's question about the number of submission received so
I haven't been able to create an account on the continue system yet.

Quoting Dee Schur <dee.schur@oasis-open.org>:

> Dear Sarah,
> Where are we with submissions? Do I need to push this out to more places?
> The OASIS XACML TC would like to present an XACML panel but they do not
> the bandwidth for a 17 page abstract, do we have any flexibility here?
> Best,
> Dee
>   _____  
> From: pki-twg@nist.gov [mailto:pki-twg@nist.gov] On Behalf Of Sara Caswell
> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 11:13 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17
> 7th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet (IDtrust 2008) 
> [pka the PKI R&D Workshop]
>                         ** Papers and panel proposals due:  November 17,
> 2007**
> CALL FOR PAPERS  [Theme:  Identity and Trust Infrastructures]
> We solicit technical papers and panel proposals from researchers, systems
> architects, vendor engineers, and users. Suggested topics and complete
> submission details can be found at
> http://middleware.internet2.edu/idtrust/2008/cfp.html
> SYMPOSIUM DATES:   *March 4-6, 2008*
> Papers and proposals due: November 17, 2007 
> Notification to authors: December 20, 2007 
> Final papers due: February 1, 2008 
> Complete details on the Symposium are available at
> http://middleware.internet2.edu/idtrust/ 

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