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Subject: RSA 2008

Hello all,


We are having a quiet time now and I hope everyone is about to enjoy a few days off. After much negotiation with RSA, and EXTREMELY limited available space; it appears that I have a viable cost for potential participants.


The only caveat remaining, in terms of expense, is whether or not a bay area vendor can provide uniform monitors for our demonstration – but let’s moves forward regardless. RSA management is very enthusiastic about the Healthcare Demo and they are providing the group with a nice break, in addition to the OASIS membership break, that we are dividing all costs equally.


I was unable to stay within the expense of Catalyst but remember; RSA attracts 3 to 4 times as many attendees, and 5 times the amount of face time with potential customers/partners, etc.


Based on my calculations we are looking at 4.200USD to participate in this event. I truly need a show of hands to understand if I should proceed with all the logistical arrangements. Otherwise, I need to release our space (10x30) next week.







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