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Subject: RE: RSA 2008

No, WS-Fed meets every other Tuesday.


If you are talking 10 on Thursday, the TAB meets then, b ut I am probably the only one with a conflict. However I think there are some SCA meetings on Thursdays.





From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 9:46 AM
To: 'Dee Schur'; 'XACML TC'; xacml-demo-tech@lists.oasis-open.org; xacml-demo-mktg@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Andrew.Rappaport@ca.com; Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com; atappetla@securent.com; bill@parducci.net; brynn.mow@jerichosystems.com; cforster@au1.ibm.com; CHARLES.J.NORWOOD@saic.com; christine.w.chan@oracle.com; dlin@us.ibm.com; Denis Pilipchuk; dgarrison@bea.com; Dilli.Dorai@Sun.COM; Denis Pilipchuk; dspalding@securent.net; erik@axiomatics.com; gopi.bhavaraju@oracle.com; Hal Lockhart; hting@securent.net; kamalendu.biswas@oracle.com; mhondo@us.ibm.com; michael.dufel@jerichosystems.com; prateek.mishra@oracle.com; rzolfonoon@rsasecurity.com; sampo@symlabs.com; sampo@mercnet.pt; Seth.Proctor@Sun.COM; ssarukkai@securent.net; susie@symlabs.com; Will Lu; cyang@redhat.com; Herbert.Mehlhorn@ca.com; llevitan@us.ibm.com; William Dettelback; William Dettelback; drsecure@us.ibm.com; John.Moehrke@med.ge.com; 'Jane Harnad'; 'Scott McGrath'; 'Staggs, David (SAIC)'; 'Davis, John M.'
Subject: RE: RSA 2008


OK, I think we have enough buy-in to move forward.


You mentioned that you would be willing to lead the technical development cycle, is that still an option? I suggest the team begins meeting every week beginning next week. I can provide the call-in number. We had pretty good luck meeting after the regular XACML TC meeting but now that conflicts with WS-Fed, right? Maybe after the WS-Fed TC calls? But that means some of you will be on calls for 3 hours straight L

Any suggestions?





From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 2:33 PM
To: 'Dee Schur'; 'XACML TC'; xacml-demo-tech@lists.oasis-open.org; xacml-demo-mktg@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Andrew.Rappaport@ca.com; Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com; atappetla@securent.com; bill@parducci.net; brynn.mow@jerichosystems.com; cforster@au1.ibm.com; CHARLES.J.NORWOOD@saic.com; christine.w.chan@oracle.com; dlin@us.ibm.com; denis.pilipchuk@bea.com; 'dgarrison@bea.com; Dilli.Dorai@Sun.COM; dpilipch@bea.com; dspalding@securent.net; erik@axiomatics.com; gopi.bhavaraju@oracle.com; hlockhar@bea.com; hting@securent.net; kamalendu.biswas@oracle.com; mhondo@us.ibm.com; michael.dufel@jerichosystems.com; prateek.mishra@oracle.com; rzolfonoon@rsasecurity.com; sampo@symlabs.com; sampo@mercnet.pt; Seth.Proctor@Sun.COM; ssarukkai@securent.net; susie@symlabs.com; wlu@bea.com; cyang@redhat.com; Herbert.Mehlhorn@ca.com; llevitan@us.ibm.com; wdettelb@bea.com; william.dettelback@bea.com; drsecure@us.ibm.com; John.Moehrke@med.ge.com; 'Jane Harnad'; 'Scott McGrath'
Subject: RSA 2008


Nag, nag, nag….


I’ve heard positively from BEA and Securent/Cisco and a (?) from Sun Microsystems based on information provided below. Can we all make final decisions by EOB 28 November? We need time to get this ship out of dry dock.




From: Dee Schur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 12:55 PM
To: 'XACML TC'; xacml-demo-tech@lists.oasis-open.org; xacml-demo-mktg@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: Andrew.Rappaport@ca.com; Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com; atappetla@securent.com; bill@parducci.net; brynn.mow@jerichosystems.com; cforster@au1.ibm.com; CHARLES.J.NORWOOD@saic.com; christine.w.chan@oracle.com; dlin@us.ibm.com; denis.pilipchuk@bea.com; 'dgarrison@bea.com; Dilli.Dorai@Sun.COM; dpilipch@bea.com; dspalding@securent.net; erik@axiomatics.com; gopi.bhavaraju@oracle.com; hlockhar@bea.com; hting@securent.net; kamalendu.biswas@oracle.com; mhondo@us.ibm.com; michael.dufel@jerichosystems.com; prateek.mishra@oracle.com; rzolfonoon@rsasecurity.com; sampo@symlabs.com; sampo@mercnet.pt; Seth.Proctor@Sun.COM; ssarukkai@securent.net; susie@symlabs.com; wlu@bea.com; cyang@redhat.com; Herbert.Mehlhorn@ca.com; llevitan@us.ibm.com; wdettelb@bea.com; william.dettelback@bea.com; drsecure@us.ibm.com; John.Moehrke@med.ge.com; 'Jane Harnad'; 'Scott McGrath'
Subject: [xacml-demo-mktg] RSA 2008
Importance: High


Hello all,


We are having a quiet time now and I hope everyone is about to enjoy a few days off. After much negotiation with RSA, and EXTREMELY limited available space; it appears that I have a viable cost for potential participants.


The only caveat remaining, in terms of expense, is whether or not a bay area vendor can provide uniform monitors for our demonstration – but let’s moves forward regardless. RSA management is very enthusiastic about the Healthcare Demo and they are providing the group with a nice break, in addition to the OASIS membership break, that we are dividing all costs equally.


I was unable to stay within the expense of Catalyst but remember; RSA attracts 3 to 4 times as many attendees, and 5 times the amount of face time with potential customers/partners, etc.


Based on my calculations we are looking at 4.200USD to participate in this event. I truly need a show of hands to understand if I should proceed with all the logistical arrangements. Otherwise, I need to release our space (10x30) next week.







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