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Subject: Re: [xacml] Possible issue or editorial cleanup item - missing equalitypredicates, etc.
Hi Erik, I looked up to find discussion on this and didn't quite get a match, although there was a ref in the Nov 6 minutes: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200811/msg00027.html possibly related to this exchange on xacml-comment: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml-comment/200811/msg00001.html Those were regarding details. I understand that one might consider regexp-match an alternative to <type>-equals, however, what I don't understand is why regexp-match is used for all of 4 xacml-defined datatypes for identifiers or resources:
There is additional detailed info as ref'd above for rfc822, x500 under A.3.1 <type>-equals. As I look at it some more, it is beginning to appear that the comparable detail that is listed in A.2 for ipAddress and dnsName is in section A.3.1 for rfc822 and x500 under <type>-equals. There is something out of balance here at a cursory look. It would seem that either ipAddress and x500Name should also be in section A.3.1 or there should be an explanation as to why they are not. As it stands now, it looks like an editing error to me - not a serious error, but one that causes some confusion. And also, it looks like it might have occurred because ipAddress and dnsName were added later, which is why I suggested it was likely an oversight. Another possibility is that the info in section A.3.1 should be removed, put in section A.2 with the others and all of them should use regexp-match. i.e. the explanation of how to do rfc822Name-equal and x500Name-equal appears to be a stretch for a "-equal" function, esp. if the other two are done w regexp-match. It's not of earth-shattering importance, I admit, but this is a suggestion for the "clean-up" and on the surface, at least, it appears to me to be more of a cleanup than a correction of any specific error task, except that if the original update was inadvertent, it may effectively be introducing an error of imbalance, unless, of course, there is a reason, in which case it would be desirable to put the reason in section A.2. Thanks, Rich Rich.Levinson wrote: Hi Erik, |
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