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Subject: Raw notes: day 2 F2F



      Day 2: XACML TC F2F meeting

	Additional attendees:

	  Ulrich Lang
	  Oleg Gryb

      Jan: content-selector
      Hal: what is regex matching?


	  Option 1:

	  Option 2:
			<Attr DataType="XPath"

      Jan: in original issue didn't know how to use xpath-node-match
	only perf enh as regex perf.

      Rich: more than perf, also for usability

      Paul: regex and xpath don't belong together

        std xpath for mult cont selector to individual;
	cast xpath to string or regex fcn

      Hal: does normal form restrict impls in undesirable manner?

      Jan: needs are addressed by both schemes

      Hal: if both schemes allowed things need to be canonicalized

      Hal: 1st scheme does not require xml doc

      Erik: need to canonicalize only in URI scheme
	URI scheme exists in hier now, not multiple

      Hal: when generating selector: use case 2 (multi) walking
	the descendants;
	case 1: maybe only looking for appl policies, not need content

     Erik: may need content to determine scope of multi

     Rich: scope of hier profile is spec'd as:
	1. how to identify the nodes: 3 schemes given
	2. how to determine the hierarchical ancestry aspects: parent etc
	3. how to do policies for the above, ex node-match for xml,
		regex for URI

     Paul: wants to get to "bottom of #11"

     Hal: isn't that the "form"

     Paul: if revising spec to provide for eval of xpath expr

     Hal: it is comparing xpath strings, not evaluating the xpath

     Paul: if we set up regex of xpath; not a natural thing to do

     Jan: should we support option 1?

     Erik: don't need cast in regex scheme; loop for multi-decision
	is missing from URI scheme

     Hal: suppose content-selector being set up by pdp, then dependent
	on that being done in std way.

     Erik: normalized form fits better in URI scheme than xpath scheme

     Hal: left hand side of URI is fixed; 

     Erik: people may not be aware of namespace issue and may make

     Hal: can close issue 11 w no action; Erik, Paul, Jan ok

     Jan: burden of regex adding to address not worth it, for the
	needs of the original issue 11

	after coffee break:

     Rich: what does this have to do w URI scheme proposal to address
	issue 11, and the "red*,grn*"/xpath "offset" discussion?

	original issue may be closed, but some stuff emerged, incl
	 issue 16 refactor

      Hal: any objection to closing 11?
	no objection, so closed

      Paul: contract between requester and policy writer

      Hal: in general there is coupling between decision request prep
	and the pdp policies.

      Erik: need to represent resources;

      Erik: does scheme conflict w normal html

      Hal: is xmlid a special case of xpointer (Paul)

	Rich presented the ppt on the uri/xpath proposal for hier,
	as well as briefly showing xpointer specs


	1. <Attribute AttributeId="Rich-URI" DataType="string"

	designator can just check if node present

	Oleg can use type URI

	2. <Attribute AttributeId="res-id" DataType="anyURI">
		<AttributeValue> ...

     Erik: refactor profile - URI pres is related

     Rich: refactor impacted by whether URI scheme included or not in hier

     Paul: just an agreement between modules in the system

     Hal: same could be said of other methods as well

     Paul: AttributeId are semantics

     Erik: it becomes more when we look at multiple, when we say that
	pdp has to produce details for multiple node identifiers

     Paul: imposes a semantic on URI not there in spec; no intention that
	path applies to hier structure unless appl wants to interpret
	it that way; imposes conformance, interoperability: last half
	contained in first half.

     Rich: appls are waiting to have this applied but currently are not
	aware the possibility exists

     Jan: can do the building appl using it; it is another usable
	representation; basing rules on resource is good idea; chging
	the rep doesn't chg need for having rules behind it.

      Paul: it is just an "agreement" between modules, not to some spec

      Jan: pep writer and policy writers need to agree on this mechanism
	with this profile in order to coordinate resource representation
	and policy representation.

      Paul: write rules against attrs and expect to see them that way.

      Jan: in concrete use case, 2 domains have to agree on attrids;
	here we have base name scheme to follow this proposal, which
	simplifies agreement because they know what base name scheme
	can be used.

      Paul: agrees it is helpful implmentation tip.

      Paul: focus on real life use cases

      Rich: use cases were basis of original spec; current changes are
	just clarifications of what was originally there.

      Paul: each real world org has own hier issues

      Hal: issue 16 is about multiple profile;

      Erik: multiple contains 2 broad groups: one is to repeat multiple
	nodes (3 schemes) other is to decide on full or sub-hierarchies;

	3 schemes are kind of mixed up; xml requires ancestors that 
	doesn't make sense (general agreement)

      Hal: ancestor doesn't work for multiple because you need to know

      Erik: preprocessor of ancestor needs to have access to resource
	hiearchy in order to resolve; spec doesn't really say where
	preprocessor is.

      Hal: we have distinction between request prep and pdp; 

      Erik: in case of ancestor scheme pdp needs to breach the separation
	between pdp and other modules to get the hier to prep the multi.

      Hal: in all 3 hier cases there is info about identifying resources

      Erik: let's not reexamine whole thing, just focus on tweaks

      Erik: only issue - using scheme where xml doc provided, still need
	to drop ancestor stuff in xml (again no disagree)

      Hal: before we go down the road need agreement on URI scheme

      Paul: ok to impose additional semantics on uri, but is concerned
	about the extensions; sees need to add semantics of node id
	so that path reflects the hier so that path represents the
	hierarchy. xml docs is agreement of components of appl.

      Jan: it is always there that there needs to be agreement between
	request writer and rep of resources in the policies.

      Rich: there are real world examples incl xml database products

      Jan: if you claim conformance then you must use the fragment
	syntax, as well, if you use the fragment for resource identification

  break: resume at 1:30

  Afternoon session:

      Hal: use cases for multiple:

	1. Entire Hierarchy
	2. Scope with xpath
	3. URI scheme

      Jan: think we should have mechanism, because 
      Hal: strong arg for having all policy

      Jan: aggregate: what and how
      Hal: could put identifier in combining algorithm

      Paul: decision-combining
      Erik: exactly same data structure

      Rich/Erik: issues w combining decisions

      Andreus: what about multi-decision w obligations, how
	combined? is there order

      Hal: draft of obl families to address that type of issue
	but today we have an algorithm for what to collect when
	percolate up.

      Erik: order of decisions is undefined
      Bill: explicitly say they are unordered
      Rich: ordering?
      Erik: it is relative policy evaluation order, not the
	order of the responses being returned

      Jan; what is diff of combining responses w combining
	results of policies

      Paul: they are the same thing.
      Paul: it is different than policy writer; eval in order and
	get results. This decision combining is decide on the 
	collection not order at all.

      Hal: indeterminates, not-applicable drop out of some

      Erik: agrees it is different thing on same type.

      Andreus: aren't existing policy algorithms enough

      Erik: no equiv policy alg to "entire hierarchy"

      Andreus: there is a pt where have positive effect on rule

      erik: deny unless permit is same as old entire hierarchy

      hal: list of algs:

C.	Combining algorithms (normative)	134

C.1 	Extended Indeterminate value		134
C.2 	Deny-overrides				134
C.3 	Ordered-deny-overrides			136	??
C.4 	Permit-overrides			136
C.5 	Ordered-permit-overrides		137	??

C.6 	Deny-unless-permit			138
C.7 	Permit-unless-deny			138
C.8 	First-applicable			139	??
C.9 	Only-one-applicable			141	??
C.10 	Legacy Deny-overrides			142

C.11 	Legacy Ordered-deny-overrides		143
C.12 	Legacy Permit-overrides			144
C.13 	Legacy Ordered-permit-overrides		146

	Erik: not all applications have privacy as overriding goal
	Jan: that is focus of which combining appl does

      Hal: choices:
	1. Don't do anything
	  a. it might be broken
	2. Converse of current one
	  a. it also is not fully spec'd

      Erik: unless any decision is deny then permit
	if not-appl then deny

      Erik: response format now normative since signature
	issues are now being incorporated.

      Hal: if missing take default, no combining, difficult
	to reconcile w other concepts.

      Erik: w details doesn't correspond to combining alg.

    	<Attribute AttributeId="decision-combining">
	<Attribute AttributeId="urn:..."

      Hal: leaving the xacml attribute optional; 

      Paul: thought was going to be on policy as xml attr

      Hal: all you need is identifer:
      Erik: should be xml attr? will be present on every
	xacml attr in that case

      Erik: put it in same place as multiple selector;
      Erik: another scheme w repeat attrs
      Erik: xml attr on request element

      Jan: section 2.3 of mult profile:


	Entire Hierarchy: proposal: (optional, if not there, don't combine)
	 xml-attr: decision-combining-algorithm-id: 3 choices:
	  no combining (or not there)
	  all permit, ow deny
	  all deny, ow permit
	 Erik will do "what's right" offline then we will discuss

	XML resource
	 scope is not used, because multi-content-selector tells you
	  what resources (free form xpath)

	 replaces: resource-id, scope

	Non-XML resource (URI)
	 scope self, children, descendants
	 ancestor scheme is descendants only

      Erik: context handler needs to be able to do ancestor scheme

	URI scheme one id and multiple preprocessor would find
	resource and what children, descendants exist.

	PDP(context-handler) will create all the descendants.

      Rich: can do virtual requests;

      Paul: asking permission to class vs member; 

      Hal: /foo/bar vs /foo/bar/ can have both in <uri> prefix, but
	only former in xpath fragment identifier

      Hal: independent of how scheme determines the set of requests,
	then the multi-decision-combining is applied regardless of
	how collection of responses was obtained.

      Erik/Paul: behavior - resource-id scope descendants, want list
	of all decisions, multi-processor gets info somewhere to
	determine membership of lists

      Erik: original use cases drove 2.0; we don't have them handy
	specify folder, get list of all members yes or no.

      Hal: combining applies to everything, as long as you have
	at least 2 decisions

      Issues 23, 25, 26
	Erik: 23 has been closed

	Issue 25: last call - reconsider after "full rewrite"
	Issue 26: entire hierarchy
	Issue 61: multi-decision attrs - don't use resource-id
	Issue 62: offset

I have couple questions re: yesterday, specifically:

    * does the attr selector offset "solve" the decision on C issue, or is it just for the individual requests, B[i]
    * re: decision on C issue: is this inherently "unsolvable" within xacml as formulated by depending on multiple decisions, whereas xacml is a single decision arch? if so, does it open case for new class of functionality such as combining algorithm for multi-decision scenarios?

	Jan: forced to define at lowest level: would involve some use
	of obligations; offset alone will not solve the problem, and
	the combining thing doesn't help either.

	Reason URI's don't work you have multiple elements
	of same type.

    Rich: formulate as follows:

	From yesterday:

	Jan: proposal is to return attr that returns node

	|		|
	B[1]		B[2]
	|		|
	P[1]="10",	P[1]="9",
	O[1]="Al"	O[1]="Bo"

	ReqCtxPath=B/P  set of price nodes: P[1],P[2]

	Want to know if access to C is granted
	Not allowed if one building fails.

	Collection: need semantics for processing in policy


	C	rule just refers to C, but eval refers to lower nodes




	ex. can't specify only one subtree of c within xpath

	if you are at "C", can't in xpath specify


	want to make sure

  -> Rich/Jan follow up on this analysis and whether applies or
	not - not part of 3.0 discussion per se'

  Next subject:

      Paul: resource-id's
	requestor starting at pep has identifier of resource; give me
	decisions for all children you know about for this thing.

	pep assumes pdp knows how to find children of thing, identify
	them, and send them back.

	getting back decisions for different set of resources
	than the one you are sending in.

	scope attribute

      Erik: keep as is
      Paul: children, descendants
	getting rid of values of xpath expression, scope

      Paul: one issue: have case for xml content; have case for
	resources outside xacml resources; suppose pep has
	collection of resources; bundle them up; don't have
	means to communicate hierarchy; 

      Hal: can combine child, descendants, other collections,
	with combining algorithms: all yes or all no.

      Jan: transform non-hier to hier and use capabilities that way

      Dilli: resource w children, descendants: can we figure out
	pep has one resource; pep did not send hierarchy, pdp
	can look at req and assemble to tree;

      Erik: in general policy structure and resource structure don't

      Dilli/Jan: external collection of missing nodes; pip 

      Hal: business today is done, let's do agenda planning:

	1. start at 9:00, don't have "tc call", but send out notes
		for people to know what's going on.

	2. need time for wrapup timeline, after lunch;

		9-10:30 rich talk api, 90 min
		10:45-11:30 nextlabs
		11:45-12:30 futures post 3.0 pres
		2:00-2:30 david chadwick issue 30 min

		2:30-3:30 wrapup, action items, planning
	Paul: what about policy, policyset id issue;

	Hal: multi-resource is now called multi-decision;

	Last item on wiki proposals list

	Paul order of policy eval is for business reasons.

	Paul more interested in parent child than sibling.

	Hal/Paul: do you go down first or left to right first

	 following is pre-order, depth first (one of 6 possible)

	    2       9
	  3   6       10
	 4 5 7 8    11  12

	How to syntactically

	Paul: actual element names

	IdReferences as in email:

	Erik: ok w paul's proposal, paul ok w list unordered, but
	as long as policyid and policysetid, hal can tell by policy version etc

	    <PolicyIdReference PolicyId="..." PolicyVersion="1.0"/>
	    <PolicySetIdReference ... >


The <Result> element produced by evaluating such a request 
for access SHALL be 

    identical to that produced by the following process. 

	A series of request contexts is evaluated, each 
	  requesting access to exactly one node of the hierarchy. 

	The <Decision> in the single <Result> that is returned
	 to the PEP SHALL be “Permit” 

	  if and only if 

	    all <Result> elements resulting from the evaluation 
	     of the individual nodes contained a <Decision> of 

	    Otherwise, the <Decision> in the single <Result> 
	     returned to the PEP SHALL be “Deny”. 

	This Profile does NOT REQUIRE that the implementation of 
	  the evaluation of a request for access to such a 
	  hierarchical resource conform to the preceding model 
	  or that actual request contexts corresponding to the 
	  individual nodes in the hierarchy be constructed. 

	This Profile REQUIRES only that the <Result> element SHALL 
	  be the same as if the preceding model were used.

	Two syntax's for this functionality are specified in the 
	  following Sections, one for use with resources that are 
	  XML documents, and the other for use with resources that 
	  are not XML documents.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: will be late, plus have questions
Date: 	Wed, 9 Dec 2009 10:39:52 -0600
From: 	Tyson, Paul H <PTyson@bellhelicopter.textron.com>
To: 	Rich.Levinson <rich.levinson@oracle.com>, Harold Lockhart <hal.lockhart@oracle.com>
CC: 	Erik Rissanen <erik@axiomatics.com>, Bill Parducci (E-mail) <bill@parducci.net>, Jan Herrmann <herrmanj@in.tum.de>, Dilli Dorai <Dilli.Dorai@Sun.COM>, <john.w.tolbert@boeing.com>, Staggs, David (SAIC) <David.Staggs@va.gov>, Sridhar Muppidi <muppidi@us.ibm.com>

It is a new class of problem.  I can see a few different approaches, but they should all be considered after 3.0.
1. Add a "decision-combining algorithm" mechanism, whereby the Request can ask for a single decision on one resource, based on several decisions about other resources.  (It is coincidental and irrelevant that in this case, the sub-decisions are about children of the main resource.)
2. Implement a variable-binding mechanism to allow values from the request context to be passed to the xpath evaluator.
3. Generalize/modify access-permitted function to handle this case.  This might be the place to put decision-combining algorithm.
4. Specify an ordered aggregate data type ("List") and possibly some additional functions (such as lisp "apply").  This would allow policy writer to use ordered lists of Building/Owner and Building/Price nodes to evaluate the properties of each Building.
I believe the access-permitted function has the greatest possibilities, not only for this use case but for many others.  I'm sure there are implementation challenges in recursive policy evaluation, though.

    From: Rich.Levinson [mailto:rich.levinson@oracle.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:13
    To: Harold Lockhart
    Cc: Erik Rissanen; Bill Parducci (E-mail); Jan Herrmann; Dilli Dorai; john.w.tolbert@boeing.com; Staggs, David (SAIC); Sridhar Muppidi; Tyson, Paul H
    Subject: will be late, plus have questions

    Hi All,

    I have couple questions re: yesterday, specifically:

        * does the attr selector offset "solve" the decision on C issue, or is it just for the individual requests, B[i]
        * re: decision on C issue: is this inherently "unsolvable" within xacml as formulated by depending on multiple decisions, whereas xacml is a single decision arch? if so, does it open case for new class of functionality such as combining algorithm for multi-decision scenarios?




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