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Subject: [xacml] wd-20 issues
I found the following issues with wd-20: 5.14 Element <Policy> "<CombinerParameters> [Optional] A sequence of parameters to be used by the rule-combining algorithm." - Are these parameters only used by the rule-combining algorithm, or also by the policy-combining algorithm? 5.14 Element <Policy> "<ObligationExpressions> [Optional] A conjunctive sequence of obligation expressions which MUST be evaluated into obligations byt the PDP." - "byt" should be "by". Also in 5.21. 5.16 Element <CombinerParameters> "If multiple <CombinerParameters> elements occur within the same policy or policy set, they SHALL be considered equal to one <CombinerParameters> element containing the concatenation of all the sequences of <CombinerParameters> contained in all the aforementioned <CombinerParameters> elements, such that the order of occurence of the <CominberParameters> elements is preserved in the concatenation of the <CombinerParameter> elements." - "Cominber" should be "Combiner". Also in 5.18, 5.19, and 5.20. Also found "<PolicyCominberParameters>" and "<PolicySetCominberParmeters>". - "occurence" should be "occurrence". - I have a feeling that some of these "<CombinerParameters>" should be "<CombinerParameter>", but I find that hard to tell with the current wording. Also in 5.18, 5.19, and 5.20. 5.18 Element <RuleCombinerParameters> "Support for the <RuleCombinerParameters> element is optional, only if support for combiner parameters is not implemented." - This wording is unclear to me. Does this mean that support for <RuleCombinerParameters> is only optional if support for combiner parameters is not implemented??? 5.29 Element <AttributeDesignator> "If the Issuer is not present in the attribute designator, then the matching of the attribute to the named attribute SHALL be governed by AttributeId and DataType attributes alone." - And Category. 5.30 Element <AttributeSelector> "The values shall be constructed from the node(s) selected by applying the XPath expression given by the element's Path attribute to the XML content indicated by the element's Category attribute." - "shall" should be "SHALL". 5.30 Element <AttributeSelector> "DataType [Required] The attribute specifies the datatype of the values returned from the evaluation of this <AttributeSelector> element." - "The attribute" should be "This attribute", like everywhere else. 5.41 Element <AttributeAssignmentExpression> "The value specified SHALL be understood by the PEP, but it is not further specified by XACML." - It only SHALL be understood for an obligation, not for an advice. 5.44 Element <Attributes> - In the XML schema fragment, there is a trailing "<xs:complexType name="SubjectType">" that shouldn't be there. 5.49 Element <PolicyIdentifierList> - We use "Id" everywhere, so why is this "Identifier" all of a sudden? - Also, we use the plural "s" everywhere and here we use "List". 6 XPath 2.0 definitions - "make user of" should be "make use of". Thanks, Ray
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