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Subject: Agenda - XDI TC Call Wed. 4/13 5PM-7PM Pacific / Thur. 4/14 10AM-Noon Japan
XDI TC Members and Observers: NOTE THE NEW TELECON NUMBER FOR THIS CALL BELOW. Following is the date/time, call-in info, and agenda for the next XDI TC telecon, which is an OFFICIAL meeting: Date: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 USA / Thursday 14 April 2005 Japan Time: 05:00pm - 07:00pm Pacific Time / 10:00am - Noon Japan Dial-in number: 760-477-2000 Access Code: 9346741 ROLL CALL 1) CALL TO ORDER a) Approval of previous minutes b) Agenda review and additions c) Announcements (especially for XDI TC home page) d) Review of outstanding action items 2) XRI STATUS REPORT 3) NEW ORLEANS F2F LOGISTICS Finalize the proposed agenda and presentations and schedule and ask for a volunteer to bring a projector. 4) FIRST DRAFT XDI PRESENTATION REVIEW We will go over a first draft of the XDI presentation that we will be giving in New Orleans as well as prep for our "lightning round" presentation. 5) UNIVERSAL SCHEMA UPDATE We will go over proposed updates to the schema (another version will be posted before the meeting.) 6) CLOSING AND NEXT MEETING
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