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Subject: CORRECTION: [xdi] Agenda - XDI TC Call Wed. 6/29 6PM-8PM Pacific / Thur. 6/30 10AM-Noon Japan
[Resending with the correct dates - the original agenda message had the date wrong. The telecon is tomorrow (Wednesday) night as usual. Apologies, =Drummond] XDI TC Members and Observers: We have not met for a month so there is a large backlog of items to cover. Please PLAN TO ATTEND this meeting and allocate the full 2 hours. Following is the date/time, call-in info, and agenda for the next XDI TC telecon, which is an OFFICIAL meeting: Date: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 USA / Thursday 30 June 2005 Japan Time: 06:00pm - 08:00pm Pacific Time / 10:00am - Noon Japan Dial-in number: 760-477-2000 Access Code: 2647893 ROLL CALL 1) CALL TO ORDER a) Approval of previous minutes b) Agenda review and additions c) Announcements (especially for XDI TC home page) d) Review of outstanding action items 2) XRI 2.0 STATUS REPORT Drummond will give a brief update. 3) RELAX NG SCHEMA PROPOSAL If he can attend, Bill Barnhill will give a brief synopsis of his proposal. 4) XDI DATE MODELLING PROPOSAL In response to an inquiry from MEDSI about XDI-to-relational database mapping, Andy Dale has written an extensive proposal that covers not just the basic structure of XDI dictionary definitions, but also the basic structure of XDI-to-data source mappings. He will post the proposal at least 24 hours before the meeting (please do read it in advance if you can), then we will review it on the call. 5) UPDATED XDI ADDRESSING PROPOSAL Drummond plans to post prior to the call an update to the current XDI Addressing proposal that adds support for data segments of arbitrary depth (which addresses a key concern of several TC members that the XDI schema forces all XDI XRIs to be only three segments long). If we have time we will review this proposal. 6) CLOSING AND NEXT MEETING
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