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Subject: Minutes: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 8-9AM PT 2008-02-07
Following are the minutes of the unofficial telecon of the XDI TC at: Date: Thursday, 07 Febrary 2008 USA Time: 8:00AM - 9:00PM Pacific Time Event Description: Weekly unofficial call of the XDI Technical Committee. ATTENDING Bill Barnhill Markus Sabadello Giovanni Bartolomeo John Bradley Drummond Reed Victor Grey AGENDA 1) DOLLAR WORD PAGE Per the last meeting, Drummond created an XDI TC wiki page for tracking proposed dollar words: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xdi/DollarWords He recommended a three-step process for proposing updates: 1) Update the page with the proposed new or changed $ word. 2) At the same time, update the page change log so it is easy for TC members to review. 3) Send an email to the TC mailing list regarding the proposed change. Bill asked if we planned for the $ dictionary to become a live service vs. just a paper specification. There was general consensus that this was in fact now a desirable service as it could be very useful to developers and implementers of XDI software and services. Markus mentioned that it could be hosted together with the Community Dictionary Service project that has been started by the Identity Schemas working group of Identity Commons. The CDS is aimed at providing a community-maintained + space, but the $ space dictionary definitions could also be hosted there provided they were defined by the XDI TC (and XRI TC) first. There was consensus that this bears further exploration and discussion with OASIS staff, and should be addressed in our charter update. 2) HIGGINS F2F REPORT Drummond and Markus reported on the XDI RDF presentation they gave at the Higgins Project face-to-face meeting in Provo, Utah last week. * Drummond said there is particular synergy with Higgins because the Higgins Data Model is RDF-based and also seeks to enable an abstraction layer on top of existing data repositories. Therefore almost all the fundamental concepts of the two models line up. * Markus said he has worked out a mapping between key Higgins Data Model concepts and XDI RDF concepts. # MARKUS to post this mapping as a XDI TC wiki page. * Markus explained that from the standpoint of Higgins, XDI will be another context, i.e., another type of data repository. Markus is implementing an XDI context provider, i.e., a Higgins code component that exposes a data repository as a Higgins context. In conjunction with the XDI protocol, this will enable Higgins deployments to read/write to XDI contexts independent of network domain. * Drummond said the other key area of synergy is link contracts. Higgins is just beginning the work of developing a context-independent authorization model -- something that was tried but never accomplished in the LDAP world. Since both Higgins and XDI need the same fundamental semantics for this model, there is a high potential to cooperate. 3) UPDATED XDI RDF MODEL DOCUMENT Drummond, Markus, and Paul posted an V8 of the XDI RDF Model document last week. The latest version is linked off a "cover page" on the XDI TC wiki: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xdi/XdiRdfModel * Drummond explained this version includes new proposals for XDI addressing, XDI core predicates, XDI context descriptors, and the X3 compact serialization format. It also includes many new example XDI documents all written in the X3 Display format. * Before the call, Bill posted a feedback document. We spent most of the rest of the call reviewing this document: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/27112/XDI%20RDF%20v8%20Com ments-Barnhill.pdf * Bill suggested that the XDI RDF model should have compatibility with the CWM RDF tool. http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/cwm.html * Bill said that the XDI concept of dictionaries and instance documents corresponds to the ontology concept of "T-box" and "A-box". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tbox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abox * Bill said that the proposal of using $ as the XDI context self-descriptor appears to be directly congruous to the RDF practice of using a single underscore to represent the current document. * There was a discussion of the use of direct concatenation in XDI RDF addressing. There was general consensus that it made addressing much simpler. John said that he had Steve had reviewed direct concatenation and at this point they did not see an issue with compatability with the XDI ATI model. Drummond noted that it appears to be the only way to represent merging of two XDI RDF graphs that maintains the $has relationship between the two XDI RDF subjects. To address the dependency between XDI RDF and XRI 3.0 syntax, there was general agreement that the XDI RDF specs should be developed in conjunction with the XRI TC's development of the XRI 3.0 specs. * Lastly there was a discussion of both XDI and RDF queries, and how they would interrelate. It was agreed this is another area that needs further exploration by the TC.
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