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Subject: Re: [xdi] Minutes: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 8-9AM PT 2008-02-14

I also support the idea. That would accelerate the work as well.

For example, I have been waiting till the time comes to discuss the 
link-contract for couple of years now, but the data model itself can be 
worked on in pararell to the "grammer" in fact.

Currently, as I see, there seems to be three kind of interested parties 

1) Semantics Group
2) Data Transmission / DB query Optimization
3) Link Contract and access control and security

Parhpas we can start doing these in parallel?


Giovanni Bartolomeo wrote:
> Hello,
> I would support the third option, as I've realized that there are
> different aspects in XDI which are to be covered, as Bill said in his
> comments to XDI RDF version 8, it would be probably good to split the
> work into different areas and have experts involved in contributing
> to different documents (obviously to be agreed with the whole TC).
> For example, we're mostly interested in XDI common semantics (what
> Drummond called XDI "grammar"), so I would support to have a subgroup
> to discuss this (I think at least Drummond, Markus, Andy may be
> interested in discussing this aspect). What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Giovanni
> At 22.08 16/02/2008, Drummond Reed wrote:
>> Drummond has exchanged email with Nat Sakimura about call timing. Nat and
>> one of his team would like to be able to join the telecons. We discussed
>> three options:
>> * Finding a fixed time that works for everyone (may not be possible).
>> * Having separate calls (leads to disjoint communications).
>> * Dividing work into subcommittees (which may be a good idea anyway).
>> # DRUMMOND to further explore options with Nat
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 

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