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Subject: CANCELLED: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 1-2PM PT 2008-10-30
Although the Higgins F2F meetings have concluded, the XDI TC members who attended (Markus Sabadello, John Bradley, Paul Trevithick, and myself) are now caught up in either backlogs or travel plans that make a call tomorrow very difficult. So we propose to cancel tomorrow's telecon and put our energy into the following week's telecon, which will be the last one before Internet Identity Workshop. In the meantime, several items of good news: 1) There is a great deal of energy around XDI in Higgins, and growing synergy between the Higgins Context Data Model and the XDI RDF model. 2) The XRI-as-relative-URI proposal seems to be well received by the W3C TAG, so that should help the XRI 3.0 work move forward quickly. 3) The pending proposal for the OpenID Trust Exchange (TX) Working Group is proposing a contract format for which the XDI TC can offer a binding to XDI link contracts. Hopefully this group will be operating by IIW. We will report on all these subjects next week, discuss any specific objectives for Internet Identity Workshop, and start to lay out plans for producing the first XDI 1.0 Working Drafts. Again: the next telecon will be Thursday, Nov. 6, 4PM Pacific. =Drummond
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