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Subject: Draft minutes for review: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 1-2PM PT2010-07-08

Draft minutes for review of XDI teleconference on July 8th, 2010

Bill Barnhill
Kaliya Hamlin
Joseph Boyle
Markus Sabadello
John Bradley


First, Markus raised the following questions on the list several weeks ago:


- If link contracts are enabled at an XDI endpoint and no link contracts exists, what is the "default" behavior? Allow nothing? Allow only $get?
- Can an XDI endpoint have a special notion of the XDI endpoint "belonging" to a user?
- Is yes, does that user automatically have "full rights" to the XDI endpoint outside of normal link contract evaluation?
- As an alternative to signing XDI messages with a key, can an XDI message contain a user's password for authentication?

Second, Markus posed another excellent set of questions last week around link contract processing:


We need to discuss these as well.

Bill: Joe asked a question about default links contracts, if you have a link contract that has trivial contract

Bill: with Joe concurring, default should be deny all

Markus: We need to specify syntax for such a deny all then. Markus agreed

Kaliya: private.  You could also create  norm for reporting who is requesting access.

Bill: So everyone on call agreed.

Bill: That maps to the XDI services model I've been using, async services:
You make a request by pushing into the providers graph a XRI pointing to the request in the Initiator's graph. That request sub-graph specifies where the result is pushed to by the service provider. Acronym: Asynchronous XDI Services (Axis). 

joseph : Friend request would be an XDI object

Bill: On second question, my take has always been that the data authority is 'the owner' of the XDI endpoint

Markus: So every i-name owns the XDI endpoint under it. I think the XDI endpoint should know who 'owns' it and there could be an XDI endpoint though that doesn't, say an LDAP endpoint

Bill: Wouldn't it only be a matter of time before privacy act/ personally identifiable information gets in there?

Joesph: Though individual items would have link contracts as well

Bill: Aren't link contracts between two data owners?

Joseph: I see how that makes sense, but not clear to me whether that should be recorded in XDI or expressed in some other way. Also, we're talking about ownership we're not talking about what ownership means.

Bill: ?Mesh of data, each individual owns data on their server and accessible

Joseph: Yes, thats the default case. But I think there has to be a use case where your data has to be on another persons server. Question is whether they can see that data, or whether its encrypted.

Joseph: I think we have to keep this open as an issue, we should try to investigate it. It might turn out to be not possible, but we should investigate.

Bill: Markus, thoughts on last question?

Markus: I think we discussed that on email. Your email on authentication

Bill: Yes, thats right. I suggested we use something like SASL so we can support Kerberos, etc.

Joseph: When we get into security and privacy there's a huge # of methods.

Markus: I think of it as HTTP posts

Joseph: Discussion of synchronous vs asynchronous?

Bill: Believe async, or should support both

John Bradley: Given XDI stores can be distributed, theres a huge advantage to being asynchronous.

Bill: The way I would see it is

Joseph: I agree that async might be a good thing to support, but proposal from Bill is not only way to do async. So to sum up : yes it is important, and no we haven;t tackled it yet, but is something we need to discuss. Edit: Reframing, let's decide whether XDI is synchronous or asynchronous?

john: So the question is do we have a description language that is separate from the query protocol?

joseph: So the query language is still XDI itself, but how do you relate queries together? I think the default is that it would be in the code (i.e. up to the implementer), not specified by XDI standard.

John: Also need to consider whether you want to have atomic transactions? 

Bill: Also what level of ACID do we want to ensure we support?

Joseph: My opinion is that this is going to be in the XDI query language not something external.

Bill: Is XDI Messaging protocol and XDI query language same thing or names for the same thing.

Markus: My implementation uses queries and messaging, two separate, using the query mechanism come up by Giovanni. Query language can be a part of XDI messaging. He also thinks of it as not just a query but as a constraint language. You can use it for two things, queries or as policy enforcement

Bill: Markus' XDI messaging I think came out of the HTTP GET model, whereas Giovanni's came out of SPARQL I believe. His constraints are similar to a SPARQL ASK query, which returns a boolean true or false, so you could express a policy as an ASK query and if the query returned true when evaluated against an aggregate model of requestor, request, and environment then the request is in compliance with the policy.  The query language I'm working on is more based on mapping operators in SPARQL-DL to $ operators and addiing XDI predicates as extended user defined SPARQL-DL like operators.

Joseph: Need a better terminology and a better explanation of what the distinction is, and possibly a merging.

Joseph: Messaging sounds like it conveys async more.

See http://higgins.eclipse.org/xdi-querier/XDIQuerier


This page was posted at Joe Johnston’s request:


We’ll talk about what we plan to do with it. 


We did not close week before last week on whether we need an additional $word that is the equivalent of Higgins Personal Data Model (PDM) semantics of h:correlation, which is not as strong as $is. 



Continue previous discussion about the use of standard RDF URIs in XDI:



Markus sent a proposal for how OAuth access tokens could be used with XDI:


Review and see how TC members feel about this approach.


Continue reviewing the list of questions about


These included:


-relationship btw PDX and FOAF


-"complex predicate"

-usage of "relative" ref e.g. (/+postal+address)

-"how much" goes in the subject and "how much" in the predicate...

-$ as a suffix


Check to see if Markus or others have reviewed Bill’s schema:


Review and discuss next steps.

Update: Currently fixing a couple bugs so that the schema validates against the JSON meta-schema. I've also written a node.js X3J validation service that I'll be committing to github, which is what I am using to validate PDX X3J example. 

The models:
XDI Data model as a set of XRIs, each of which may be an XRI wrapped URI
XDI Data model as a graph vertices and edges
[Markus] XDI Data model as a collection of subjects, each one of which has a collection of predicates, each one of which has either a literal, or inner graph, or collection of references

XDI Camp - Bill is pursuing funding to go, Drummond is definitely going, who else is going or may be going?


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