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xdi message

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Subject: How to send XDI message to server?

Hi all,

During today's XDI TC call I mentioned XDI Messaging.

The one concrete issue I'd like to figure out is how exactly a message is sent from an XDI client to an XDI server.

As far as I know, current implementations work like this:


* A message is passed as a "message" parameter, either via HTTP GET or POST

* No asynchronous XDI messaging supported

XDI2 / Project Danube:

* A message can be sent via HTTP POST (as the full HTTP body, not encoded as a parameter)

* HTTP GET is treated like an XDI $get operation on an XDI address passed in the URL, e.g.

GET /=markus+email HTTP 1.1
becomes something like

* HTTP DELETE is treated like XDI $del

* HTTP PUT is treated like XDI $add

* An Accept: header can be sent to indicate the desired response format, e.g. JSON, or list of XDI statements

* No asynchronous XDI messaging supported

I have heard several people say that XDI needs an interface that is RESTful on the HTTP level.

Please discuss on this thread, then we can create an page on the TC wiki.
BTW there are lots of pages on the TC wiki that need updating.


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