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Subject: Re: [xdi] How to send XDI message to server?

Okay, here's my proposed design.

* A message is sent via HTTP POST (as the full HTTP body, not
encoded as a parameter)

* As a convenient shortcut, HTTP GET is treated like an XDI $get operation on a single XDI address passed in the URL, e.g.

GET /=markus+email HTTP 1.1
becomes something like

* HTTP DELETE is not supported

* HTTP PUT is not supported

* No HTTP query string or fragment or form-encoded parameters are used

* An Accept: header can be sent by the client to indicate the desired response format, e.g. JSON, or list of XDI statements.

* A Content-Type: header is sent by the server to indicate the actual response format.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Michael Schwartz <mike@gluu.org> wrote:

Markus and Joseph,

Propose a design... but obviously, we need to address how all elements of the XDI message would be communicated, not just the operation.

- Mike

On Tue, 22 May 2012, Markus Sabadello wrote:

Thanks Joseph for re-sending..

For an XDI Developer list, I think Google Groups would be easiest.

Yes we have talked about an HTTP REST binding in the past..

The semantics of GET and $get, as well as those of DELETE and $del seem to
be the same, but mapping $add and $mod to POST and PUT is difficult. We can
of course do whatever we want, but REST purists won't like it.

I don't think any HTTP query parameters should be used.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Joseph Boyle

Markus, this is Yuriy and Drummond's replies - forwarding to your gmail
since it sounds like your xdi.org mail lost them.

On May 13, 2012, at 9:32 PM, Drummond Reed wrote:


Thanks for sending this. I really wish you could join the TC directly so
you could be part of these discussions - we have talked quite a bit about a
pure REST binding for XDI, and I think there is agreement on your mapping
of the verbs.

I think we're going to reinstate either the XDI Google Group or start a
new XDI.org mailing list on XDI so we can have discussions with XDI
developers who are not on the TC.

Mike, Markus: it makes sense to me that XDI.org should host the XDI
Developer mailing list. If we are going to redo the website, what are our
options for a new mailing list? Or should we restart the Google Group?


On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 3:35 AM, Yuriy Zabrovarnyy <yzabrovarniy@gmail.com

It's very good idea to standardize REST for XDI Messaging. A few points
from my side:


Please consider following example from


Approach with inlined $get operation can NOT be used because here are 2
$get operations.
E.g. GET /=markus+email HTTP 1.1

As solution parameters can be used to pass $get operation nodes.

2. It's important to specify exact names of parameter as it's made for
OAuth and OpenID standards. Except operations message request also contains
link contract address, graph id, sender and authentication information
(e.g. token).

3. XDI operations as HTTP methods
According to wiki (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer) these
binding between HTTP methods and XDI operations looks logical to me.
GET    - retrieve - $get
PUT    - replace  - $mod
POST   - create   - $add
DELETE - delete   - $del

To summarize it makes sense to provide sample how exactly XDI Message
Request from oasis wiki can be made via REST web service with exact

(I can't send email to oasis mail list, therefore mail is sent only to
people who is in my contact list.)

Yuriy Z

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Joseph Boyle <
planetwork@josephboyle.net> wrote:

Yes XDI2's looks like a canonical REST interface. I like it.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 11, 2012, at 1:28 PM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org>

Oops sorry I made one mistake..

* HTTP GET is treated like an XDI $get operation on an XDI address
passed in the URL, e.g.

GET /=markus+email HTTP 1.1
becomes something like

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Markus Sabadello <
markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:

Hi all,

During today's XDI TC call I mentioned XDI Messaging.

The one concrete issue I'd like to figure out is how exactly a message
is sent from an XDI client to an XDI server.

As far as I know, current implementations work like this:


* A message is passed as a "message" parameter, either via HTTP GET or

* No asynchronous XDI messaging supported

XDI2 / Project Danube:

* A message can be sent via HTTP POST (as the full HTTP body, not
encoded as a parameter)

* HTTP GET is treated like an XDI $get operation on an XDI address
passed in the URL, e.g.

GET /=markus+email HTTP 1.1
becomes something like

* HTTP DELETE is treated like XDI $del

* HTTP PUT is treated like XDI $add

* An Accept: header can be sent to indicate the desired response
format, e.g. JSON, or list of XDI statements

* No asynchronous XDI messaging supported

I have heard several people say that XDI needs an interface that is
RESTful on the HTTP level.

Please discuss on this thread, then we can create an page on the TC
BTW there are lots of pages on the TC wiki that need updating.


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