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Subject: Re: [xdi] Minutes: XDI TC Telecon Friday 2012-10-05
Following are the minutes of the unofficial telecon of the XDI TC at:Date: Friday, 05 October 2012 USATime: 9:00AM - 10:30AM Pacific Time (16:00-17:30 UTC)
ATTENDINGBill BarnhillGiovanni BartolomeoJoseph BoyleMarkus SabadelloLes ChasenDrummond Reed
THE ETHERPAD LINK FOR TODAY IS:***** PRESENTATIONS *****--- XDI CONNECTOR EXAMPLEMarkus gave a demonstration of an example XDI connector that the XDI2 open source project team has built for the Personal.com API. The demo included use of an XDI dictionary (see below) that defines the mapping between native XDI dictionary definitions and data elements defined by the Personal.com API. This dictionary mapping capability makes it much easier for code modules to be written (in any language) that can perform the connector functionality and render data from the API for a native data source into XDI.Alex Levin of Personal.com was not able to attend; Markus will do a separate demo for him soon.***** DECISION POINTS FOR THIS CALL *****--- MULTIPLICITY (DRUMMOND)Even though it is in Last Call, Bill has several points he wants to go over. He's added a number of examples to the Discussion page.# MARKUS AND DRUMMOND volunteered to write up the same six examples Bill asks about on the Discussion page using the current Multiplicity proposal.--- XDI MESSAGING PATTERNS (MARKUS)We did not have time to discuss this on this call.
--- XDI DICTIONARY DISCUSSIONWe discussed the dictionary format shown in the following spreadsheet based on the example dictionary patterns in the XDI Graph Patterns document.It was agreed that our next step should be a formal dictionary proposal.# DRUMMOND to begin work on doing a formal proposal for this syntax.***** DECISION POINT QUEUE REVIEW *****The decision queue stack is now shown on the following three auto-generated Category pages:We agreed the current priority list should be:
- Multiplicity closure
- Move XdiDictionary to a formal proposal stage
- Continue pushing through the open issues on XdiMessagingPatterns
***** NEXT CALL *****The next call is next week at the regular time.
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