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Subject: Re: [xdi] Ordering
I reviewed how ordering currently works in XDI.As we know, statements are inherently unordered, but order can be introduced through additional statements.I think the idea is that we want to be able to #1 order members in a collection, and #2 order relational arcs on a context node.Both is relevant for messaging, as described here:#1 is used for ordering messages in a message envelope#2 is used for ordering operations in a message#1 I think is pretty well specified here:You can try it here:When looking at #2, I ran into a question:#2.A. Do we want to be able to order relational arcs of the same type? I.e. do something like this:=markus/+friend$*1/=joseph=markus/+friend$*2/=animesh=markus/+friend$*3/=drummond#2.B. Or do we want to be able to order all relational arcs, independent of the type. This would be what we'd need for messaging, i.e.:.../$add$*1/....../$del$*2/....../$mod$*3/...You can try it here:So I think #2.B. is what we want, but maybe anyone has thoughts on this.
#7: OPERATION <from>$($msg)$(!<id>)<msg-order>$do/<operation>/<object-graph>
#7: OPERATION <from>$($msg)$(!<id>)<msg-order>$do<op-order>/<operation>/<object-graph>
BTW I think XdiOrdering should be its own proposal, with both XdiMultiplicity and XdiMessagePatterns referencing it.
Also, in a few places on the wiki, $is is used for ordering, but it should be $ref. I can make these changes.
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