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Subject: Re: [xdi] Proposal for syntax for "terminal statements" to address XDI literal nodes

Markus, my only concern with using [ null ] is the confusion it may cause. Imagine a developer seeing that pattern in a $get message and then concluding that he/she can send this message:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$add": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ null ]

It would be logical that this message would set the value of the literal =markus$!(+email) to null.

We had concluded a few months ago that we wanted to define "null" as the complete absence of a literal arc and literal node. So using [ null ] to reference a literal node seems counterintuitive.

Here's another example that leads to more serious potential confusion:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$get+$b!": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ null ]

This $get query could be interpreted in two ways:
  1. Asking for a true/false answer as to whether the value of the literal node for the literal context =markus$!(+email) is null (verifying a literal value match).
  2. Asking for a true/false answer as to whether a literal node exists for the literal context =markus$!(+email) (verifying the presence of a literal arc and literal node).
The confusion is that if there is no literal node for the literal context =markus$!(+email), the response to interpretation #1 would be TRUE and the response to interpretation #2 would be FALSE. 


By contrast, if we used the empty array to represent a reference to the literal node, then the JSON query would look like this:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$get+$b!": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ ]

Now I think the potential for confusion is gone. The only interpretation of "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ ] is as a reference to the literal node that is the object of the literal arc "=markus$!(+email)/!". If the literal node exists (is NOT null), the response is TRUE. If the literal node does not exist (is NULL), the response is FALSE.

Given that in the JSON serialization, a JSON object represents an XDI graph (very elegant, that), then an empty JSON object "{}" would most logically represent an empty inner graph. Since that's not what a literal node is, it would be best not to use an empty JSON object as the literal node reference (even though I was the one who originally suggested it ;-). 

So, by process of elimination, the best of the three options would be to use an empty array as a literal node reference. Visually this would be drawn as an empty literal node box. As luck would have it, that's actually just what an empty JSON array looks like: [ ]  !

What do you think?

Lastly, in the process of writing this up, it occurred to me that the visual graph model could be even more explicit if we used empty square boxes to represent literal node references, and solid square boxes to represent literal nodes with values.

How does that strike you?


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:
In code, everything would be equally easy.

So Option #1:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [

Option #2:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ null ]

Option #3:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ ]

I think I like option #2 best, to me it seems most consistent with the existing XDI/JSON rules, and with the idea of drawing a literal node without a value.


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:56 PM, Drummond Reed <drummond@connect.me> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:
Makes sense to me, yes I think this work.

One idea could be to use "null" here in the JSON serialization rather than an empty {} object.
This may be more consistent with the idea of "drawing a literal node (square box) without a value" in a diagram.

Yes, I like that. What exactly would the JSON serialization look like then?

But I don't feel strongly about this, empty JSON object also makes sense.

Or perhaps even just an empty array with nothing inside, i.e:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [ ]

What do you think?

That too could work. (Funny, but the empty square brackets even LOOK like an empty square box!)

Which would actually be easier in code - to check for an empty array, or check for an array containing a JSON null?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Drummond Reed <drummond@connect.me> wrote:
Good points. So here's an idea: what if the value of a literal reference in the JSON serialization was not a string but an empty JSON object? So the serialization would be (to use your $del example):

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [

This seems very clean, and very parallel with the inner graphs serialization rule, only this is not an inner graph but just a reference to the literal node.

It would be one simple addition to the JSON serialization rules.

=Drummond (going to bed now ;-)

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:
Okay, playing devil's advocate..

According to my understanding of $get and $del, I could execute the following operations to get or delete a literal, if it matches a certain value:


So I would get or delete the e-mail address if it is "markus.sabadello@gmail.com", but nothing would happen if it has another value.

Coming to think of it, the same effect could also be accomplished with a message policy, so maybe we don't need/want the above pattern anymore.

However, if we keep the above pattern, then the following would be ambiguous:

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$del": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [

Would it mean, you want to delete the literal node no matter what, or just if its value is "()" ?

The following is pretty clear, it means you want to add a literal node with the value "()":

    "=sender$($msg)$(!1)$do/$add": [
            "=markus$!(+email)/!": [

But then I'm not sure if the XDI Converter would convert this to:




Anyway, I'll give it a try..


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Drummond Reed <drummond@connect.me> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:
I think it would work, although it feels a bit strange to have literal statements whose objects are not literals.

In this particular type of literal reference statement, the object of the statement IS a literal mode -- it's just that the statement is a REFERENCE to the literal node, not the actual value. It's also an implied statement, i.e., as you say, it's just like a variable. More on this below.

Also, strictly speaking, in your $get operation you would request a statement that doesn't really exist in the target graph, and you still get something back.

If my graph is:


then in the following examples, all the requested statements (= arcs in the diagram) really exist in the target graph:


With ...$do/$get/(=markus$!(+email)/!/()), that statement doesn't exist in the target graph.

To be clear, the statement that is being referenced does exist in the graph. It's the literal arc from =markus$!(+email) to its literal node. But you're right, the statement =markus$!(+email)/!/() does not itself create a new arc in the graph.

But that might be okay I guess. Variables also work this way.

That's what I was going to say - it's just like a variable. In fact, it could be that it would be better to make it a variable, in which case the ABNF would simply make that variable legal, i.e., =markus$!(+email)/!/($) would be valid.

One challenge would be, how does this get serialized in XDI/JSON:


Here you can't tell if it's a "literal-value" or a "literal-ref".

I agree but I'm not sure if we need to. In other words, the use of this literal reference statement is for either:
  1. $get requests, where you want to get the value of a literal node and nothing else (i.e., you don't want the metadata that might exist at the literal context node).
  2. $del requests, where you just want to delete a literal node (and any value it contained) but NOT delete its parent literal context node.
We don't need it for $add or $mod requests, since for either of those you will always have a value.
I'm also wondering how to draw this in a diagram.

I think that it will only appear in an inner graph (e.g., a $get message), and in that graph, it would appear as a literal node (square box) without a value.

But let me play with this a bit and I'll see how it goes..

If it can be made to work somehow, maybe the syntax should be ../!/! rather than ../!/()  ?

I thought about that too. For some reason it doesn't seem right. I'd be tempted to make it a variable -- ($) -- first. But somehow it seems right to do a "real" variable to reference context nodes and an "empty variable" to reference a literal node.

But keep playing with it and see what you think.


On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Drummond Reed <drummond@connect.me> wrote:
Markus, good points. I thought about your "literal inner root" suggestion this afternoon but realized it has an issue similar to my proposal:
  • My suggestion of =markus$!(+email)() introduced a new kind of context which is not really a context.
  • Your suggestion of (=markus$!(+email)/!) introduces a new kind of root that is not really a root.
Then I realized there's a different approach that doesn't have either problem. 

This approach is not to try to turn a literal node into any kind of context -- because it's not a context! -- but instead just provide a clean way to reference a literal node in the XDI graph using an XDI statement. Here's what I put as part of a new comment on https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xdi/XdiAbnf/Discussion.

literal                 = literal-value / literal-ref
literal-value           = literal-context "/!/" data-xref
literal-ref             = literal-context "/!/()"                                                              <== NEW
The  literal-ref rule defines a valid XDI statement is NOT the literal value, but a reference to the literal value. So if you want to ask for the literal value of the default email address for ="" you could use:
I'm proposing using () as the object of this statement instead of some other delimiter -- or a variable like ($) -- because:
  1. Although () stands for "context" throughout the ABNF, it also stands for "graph". And the literal value is indeed its own little graph (just not an XDI graph).
  2. By not using a variable like ($), we avoid the need for developers to worry about the variable uniqueness in a query if the query is just for multiple literal values. For instance, you could use the following to ask for only the values of three literals in your XDI graph:
Lastly, this literal node reference syntax still solves the problem I brought up in my email a week ago: it provides a means for unambiguously referencing a literal node even just for purposes of detecting its presence or absence. For example, if you wanted to check whether the $!(+email) attribute of =markus is null, you could use the following two queries:
If the response to the first one was $true and the second $false, you would know that =markus$!(+email) is present but it's current value is null.



On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:
Two reasons why I think it's problematic..

#1 Intuitively, the parentheses are very much associated with contexts. () is the local root. () is used as a predicate in contextual statements. With your proposal, you would use () to address the only kind of node in the graph that's not a context.

#2 A more concrete, technical reason is again the argument that the graph that contains this feature would be problematic.

If you do 


then this message would look like [see attachment].

In other words, in the message you now have a CONTEXT NODE (not a literal) with the address =drummond$!(+email)(). This is a contradiction.


I might have another idea on how to do it: Use a similar pattern as with inner roots.

E.g. in your example, the address of your literal would be:


This obviously can't be an inner root, because ! is not a valid relational arc.

So in a message, I would do the following:


What do you think? :)


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Drummond Reed <drummond@connect.me> wrote:
On today's TC call, per the minutes I just sent out, it was suggested that it would be very useful to have an explicit XDI address for literal nodes -- not just for the attribute singleton that is the XDI context for the literal node, but the literal node itself.

Such an address would make it possible to query an XDI graph to find out whether a particular literal was null or not (because we have specified that if a literal is null, it does NOT have a literal arc, but if it's not null, it does have a literal arc).

On the call, we discussed that ending an XDI address in a bang would be an obvious choice for such a "terminal". So to request only the literal value of my default email address, you would use:


When I went to review the ABNF about this, I realized that there is a problem with using a bang - or any other of our delimiters -- as the terminal character. The problem is that our ABNF allows all of our context symbol delimiters to be used standalone -- and we have several examples of where we need to do this. So to make any of our regular delimiters into a "terminal" where they cannot contain any further XDI subcontexts -- because a literal node cannot have a subgraph -- is problematic. It would require contortions in the ABNF.

So the next obvious choice was to use another IRI delimiter that we are not currently using -- such as a colon, which we decided to exclude from the xdi-char set.

However, in considering that option, I realized that we already have an ideal delimiter for use as a terminal. It's the only one that cannot have a subgraph: the empty parens "()". The Full Graph ABNF does not allow an empty paren to be used anywhere but as the absolute root of an XDI graph (where it appears only logically because it is not included at the start of any XDI context statements except absolute root statements).

So I posted to the ABNF discussion page (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xdi/XdiAbnf/Discussion) a proposal to add a rule to the ABNF that allows empty parens to be used as the terminal delimiter. Under this proposal, to get only the literal value of my default email address, you would use:


The address =drummond$!(=email)() cannot contain any subcontexts. It is truly a "terminal" because it is the address of the literal node -- of which there can be only one at the address =drummond$!(=email).

To see whether the value of a XDI literal is null, you would just request a boolean literal:


A result of $true would tell you the literal is not null, a result of $false would tell you that either the attribute is null or that it does not exist. If you don't know the latter, then you would have to do two $get statements:


If the result of the first one is $true and the second is $false, then the value is null.



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