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Subject: RE: [xdi] Exciting breakthrough: the JSON Model
Hi Drummond, I think the syntax is much more intuitive, concise and clean. Thanks, Animesh From: xdi@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xdi@lists.oasis-open.org]
On Behalf Of Drummond Reed After deep cogitation on the feedback from the last TC meeting -- and triggered by the message Markus sent to the list this weekend -- a way occured to even further simplify XDI syntax
and the graph model itself by fully aligning it with the very elegant and universal JSON data model. This is now written up at: Test: go straight to the examples (in yellow) and see how quickly you get the basic pattern. Then read the text to see the underlying logic. Ironically, I believe this approach is actually very close to what Bill has been proposing for some time, only with a solution to the "collection/singleton" disambiguation problem that I was never able to see before. And one bonus feature: it also frees up curly brackets so we can use them for XDI variable syntax! One last note: it uses the term "member" differently than we have been using it so far. Instead it uses "member", "element", and "value" exactly as defined in the
JSON RFC. Happy reading - please post any thoughts back to the list. I plan to work on the ABNF (perhaps with Joseph if he's available) tomorrow and Thursday in order to have everything ready to review on Friday's TC call. I want to put these syntax
changes to bed once and for all! =Drummond |
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