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Subject: Re: [xdi] Word version of new paper on the differences between the RDF and XDI graph models

Markus and Peter, thanks much. I had a great 1.5 hour conversation with Peter and Les about the paper yesterday and it has persuaded me that we should evolve the whole approach of this paper. Rather than make it about explaining the differences between the RDF and XDI graph models, I think we should rename it to "How XDI Builds on the RDF Graph Model". 

Its new focus becomes explaining how XDI can be understood as a profile of RDF that adds: a) constraints, and b) enhancements to the RDF graph model. I would also reorganize it into 3 main sections, as I discussed with you briefly yesterday:
  1. Addressing
  2. Context
  3. Reification
The first three sections of the current version (with significant rewrites and examples added) would all go under the Addressing section. The Context section would have three new subsections to explain how & why it is useful to have a standard way to model context for:
  1. Graph root nodes
  2. Subject/entity nodes
  3. Literal predicate/attribute nodes.
The third section would be new, and it would explain how the combination of addressing and context enables XDI to model reification very compactly and elegantly using inner graphs, which of course is one of the secrets to link contracts (which are all based on reification of the relationship between the authorizing authority and the requesting authority) and also policy expressions (e.g., $and, $or, and $not statements).

Peter also had a great suggestion about creating a set of canonical examples of the same graphs shown in both XDI formats (display, JSON, and ideally also visual diagram) and in RDF (using Peter's preferred serialization form and ideally also RDF visual diagrams).

I'm excited about this new approach—and about being able to talk about XDI much more precisely and synergistically in relationship to RDF. But it also means this next draft of the paper will take longer, especially as I won't be able to start on it until Thursday. But I propose to have at least an outline to discuss on this Friday's TC call.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Davis, Peter <Peter.Davis@neustar.biz> wrote:
Here are my comments. many of which drummond and i already reviewed, but we can cover them again for the whole tc


> On Jan 16, 2015, at 2:37 PM, =Drummond Reed <drummond@respectnetwork.com> wrote:
> Per the discussion on this morning's board call, attached is the Word version of the paper I've been writing. Per the minutes (coming out later today), all TC members who have the time are asked to review and markup the Word doc with any comments and send that either back to the list or directly to me. Then next week I'll compose what will become the third draft (the first one was the stub I started in December) and upload it to Kavi.
> Thanks,
> =Drummond 
> <RDF-and-XDI-Graph-Models-v2.docx>
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