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Subject: [xliff-comment] XLIFF and resizing information
Hi All, I’m trying to understand how XLIFF should handle resizing
information. Let’s take for instance Windows resource dialog with NO caption
and two controls, label and edit box. IDD_DIALOG1 DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 96, 28 STYLE WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_THICKFRAME FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN
"Label:",IDC_STATIC,13,9,23,8 END All of them should be resized and only label should be translated. With label I have no question: <trans-unit>
contains text to translate in <source> element, coordinates
in coord attribute. Localized text locates in <target> element and Localized
coordinates in <target>‘s coord attribute. Edit box has no text to translate. What should I do? Create <source>
and <target> elements with no text? Dialog is grouping element and also has no text to translate. So logically
dialog's coordinates go to <group>’s coord attribute, but where locale version of dialog coordinates should be located? According
to specification <group> should not have <target> node. If I have to create additional translation unit to hold locale version
of group's coordinates, that looks very inelegant. In general, in my opinion <group> and <trans-unit> have a
lot in common, may be better to combine them together in one element and add some
attribute like ‘container=true’? Please let me know, especially in you have information about some RC <->
XLIFF converter. Thanks, Nikolai. |
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