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xliff-inline message

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Subject: RE: [xliff-inline] 1.14. Should be able to represent the mutual relationships between a nested flow of text and its parent

Hi Christian,

> I wonder if we should start collecting ideas for this.
> One would be http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/

=1 for collecting ideas.

But as for xml:id, I don't think it can be used in XLIFF as its value requires to be unique per XML document.

In the inline content:

- the identifier of a code: needs to be the same in the source and target
- the identifier of an element storing original data: should probably be repeatable for each unit, and if not for each "<file>".

Even outside inline content:

- the identifier of a unit: Needs to be repeatable per "<file>" I.e. tools that would group several XLIFF "<file>" in one document cannot change the id values to ensure they are unique.

Or am I missing something in xml:id?

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