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Subject: RE: [xliff-omos] Modules and extensions

Hi Robert, all,


Ø  I’m inclined to stick to _ to separate prefix from name, assuming _ are forbidden in prefixes and names by self-imposed JLIFF conventions. Underscore is at least widely supported in variable names.


A ‘_’ would be fine with me.

I was just under the impression ‘$’ was the preference for you (and maybe others).

I just wanted to be sure it would work with _javascript_.


Ø  Other programming languages may not accept $ in hard-coded property/variable names…


Quite right. But I wonder if it matters: Languages other than _javascript_ are likely to go through some kind of marshalling of the JSON data into their own data structures and have ways to address such issue. Actually _javascript_ is probably a special case: the more I work on JLIFF, the more I think it’d be quite hard for most languages to just rely on default automated mapping mechanism to get the proper input/output. But hopefully I’m wrong.






From: Robert van Engelen [mailto:engelen@genivia.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 11:11 AM
To: Yves Savourel <ysavourel@enlaso.com>
Cc: XLIFF OMOS TC <xliff-omos@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: [xliff-omos] Modules and extensions



I’m inclined to stick to _ to separate prefix from name, assuming _ are forbidden in prefixes and names by self-imposed JLIFF conventions. Underscore is at least widely supported in variable names.


Other programming languages may not accept $ in hard-coded property/variable names (i.e. console.log(x.name.b) is "hard-coded" and so is console.log(x[“name.b”]) also hard-coded, but with a period in the property name that requires quotes).


- Robert



  Dr. Robert van Engelen, CEO/CTO Genivia Inc.
  voice: (850) 270 6179 ext 104
  fax: (850) 270 6179
  mobile: (850) 264 2676


On May 23, 2017, at 1:03 PM, Yves Savourel <ysavourel@enlaso.com> wrote:


Regarding separator, from quick tests:


Dollar-sign would work, but not period, IMO:


var x = {"name$b": "text"};

console.log(x.name$b); à ok


var x = {"name.b": "text"};

console.log(x.name.b); à error


More tests are probably needed.





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