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Subject: RE: [xliff-comment] XLIFF Schema or Spec Issue: 'priority' attribute accepts x-values


Thanks for pointing out this inconsistency between the schema and spec. I
will fix the schema.

Doug Domeny
Software Analyst
Ektron, Inc.
+1 603 594-0249 x212

-----Original Message-----
From: Asgeir Frimannsson [mailto:asgeirf@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:26 PM
To: xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff-comment] XLIFF Schema or Spec Issue: 'priority' attribute
accepts x-values

Hi all,

A minor inconsistency between the spec and schema: The 'priority'
attribute of the <note> element is said to hold "A number between 1
and 10, 1 being the highest priority."

The spec defines the attribute as:
  <xsd:simpleType name="AttrType_priority">
    <xsd:union memberTypes="xlf:priorityValueList xlf:XTend"/>

In the spec, x-type values are also allowed.

Section "2.5.3. Adding Attribute Values" lists 'priority' as one of
the attributes that can be extended, but this is not mentioned in the
description of the attribute (as it is in all other extensible


Asgeir Frimannsson
PhD Candidate
School of Software Engineering and Data Communications
Queensland University of Technology
126 Margaret Street, Level 3
Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia

Phone: (+61) 7 3864 9332 Mob: (+61) 405 412 696
Email: a.frimannsson@qut.edu.au

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