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Subject: Directionality with <pc> and <sc/>

Hi all,


Has anyone implemented the dir attribute in <pc> and <sc>?


Given this:


The default value for it is "The value of the dir attribute of the lowermost <source>, <target>, or <pc> element, in which the element in question is located."


<segment>LLL<pc id='1' dir='rtl'>RRR<sc id='2'/>RRR</pc>???<pc id='3'>???</pc>???<ec startRef='2'/>LLL</segment>


- Where does the sequence of RTL text stops? At the first </pc> or at the <ec/>?


- Is the second <pc> rtl or ltr?



The bottom line: I'm not sure how inheritance is not going to work inside <source> or <target> because of the overlapping codes and the isolated codes.




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