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Subject: RE: [xliff-comment] csprd02 comment: XLIFF as a processing format for CAT tools

Hi Bryan,

> Can this language be recast in order to encourage 
> CAT tools to still use XLIFF as a native format?

I had no idea we were encouraging CAT tools to use XLIFF as a native format.

XLIFF is only an exchange format.
If some tools choose to use it as their processing format that is fine and well.
We shouldn't discourage it. But I don't think we should encourage it either: it's not the purpose of XLIFF.


-----Original Message-----
From: Schnabel, Bryan S [mailto:bryan.s.schnabel@tektronix.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 1:33 PM
To: xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff-comment] csprd02 comment: XLIFF as a processing format for CAT tools

I am worried that the statement that XLIFF is only intended for data exchange could endanger tools that use XLIFF as native format.

Writer, Writer Agent:

Since XLIFF is intended as an exchange format rather than a processinmg format, many applications will need to generate XLIFF
Documents from their internal processing formats, even in cases when they are processing XLIFF Documents created by another

Can this language be recast in order to encourage CAT tools to still use XLIFF as a native format?



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