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Subject: RE: [xliff] IDs - uniqueness for inline only within segments (A)

Yves, thanks for your response. So I understand now about the issue of
moving <file> elements between XLIFF documents. I do believe it would be
possible to prevent ID conflicts, without the need for GUIDs, through
contextual qualification of IDs per <file> element. This would be an
additional detail for developers to contend with, which of course would be
one reason to disfavor it.

I also agree for now that IDs within <target> would have to remain as
NMTOKEN attributes.

Nothing I've said should be taken as advocacy; I just need to understand the
broader issues. Thanks for your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xliff@lists.oasis-open.org] On
Behalf Of Yves Savourel
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 04:58 PM
To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [xliff] IDs - uniqueness for inline only within segments (A)

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the well thought points.

One of the main reason why can't use simple xs:ID values is because one can
move <file> elements into different documents. So you could end up having ID
clash after grouping the <files> elements of several documents into a single
one for example.

So the only way we could use xs:ID for the id attribute type would be to use
globally unique IDs. That would fit the constraints of xs:ID, and that would
allow manipulating the <file> any way we want too. But using GUIDs comes
with problems too:

As you noted, the problem with xs:ID would then be that you obviously cannot
have them both in <source> and <target>. Your solution then would be to use
xs:IDREF in the <target>. But then you can have extra inline elements in
target, so those won't point to anything in <source> and can't be IDREFs.

In addition, we do a lot of things with inline codes IDs (outside of XLIFF),
and GUIDs are not helpful in many cases. For example.
When leveraging from a TM the IDs are used to map the inline code of new
source to the inline codes of the old translation. GUIDs will prevent that.

And just from a usability viewpoint: GUIDs are going to look like this:
id="550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000". Doing any kind of inline code
manipulation or reading error reports will quickly become very hard for
humans. I don't want to imagine the mess in a XLIFF document with an RTF
layer. The simpler the inline codes are the better.

Another challenge: how would we validate that the id values are true GUIDs?

In short: I'm not against xs:ID, but to use that type the values would have
to be GUIDs, and, in my opinion, it is not truly practical.

I think, while it'd be nice to use XML's at its fullest, we have to remember
that XLIFF is just a serialization of objects not necessarily meant to be
used with XML tools. We shouldn't try to force data like ID values to an XML
specific kind because it's more convenient.


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