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Subject: pre-beta version of the xliffRoundTrip Tool for XLIFF 2.0

I’ve posted my pre-beta version of the xliffRoundTrip Tool for XLIFF 2.0.




You should be able to transform any well-formed XML file to an XLIFF 2.0 file; translate the XLIFF file; and transform it back to its original XML format.


If you’d like, please give it a spin and give me your feedback.


This tool is very vanilla at the moment. But as I gather feedback I intend to make it more robust.


Here are some known limitations that I plan to fix in the very near future:


- XML documents with XML namespaces are not yet tested (and not certified to be supported yet)

- Segmentation has not yet been tested (and not certified to be supported yet)

- (more will limitations will be documented and fixed as I discover them)





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