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Subject: Re: [xliff] Leave of absence request from XLIFF TC meetings

Thanks, Lucía, I have marked you as LOA (Leave of Absence) on the roster and your LOA will end as soon as you attend a quorum meeting or take part in a ballot.
Your missed meetings from the LOA period don't count towards your voting eligibility.Your voting right is suspended while you are on LOA but it resumes immediately as soon as you break the LOA by one of the above listed actions.

Dr. David Filip
OASIS XLIFF TC Secretary, Editor, Liaison Officer
Spokes Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre
KDEG, Trinity College Dublin
Mobile: +420-777-218-122

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 6:31 PM, Lucia Morado Vazquez <Lucia.Morado@unige.ch> wrote:



I will be on holidays for the next 2 meetings, so I am requesting a leave of absence for this period.


Thank you,




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