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Subject: Meeting minutes



Please find below a summary of today’s discussion:



Attendance: Rodolfo, Bryan, Yoshito, Lucía

I. Administration

Approve 16 March meeting minutes. https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202103/msg00008.html

R: I move to approve the meeting meetings.

B: I second.

R: No objections, meeting minutes approved.


OASIS web site updates - Rodolfo https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202011/msg00000.html  



R: [shares his screen and shows all the website’s changes]. The home page is now ready. Just the liaison information is missing.

Y: I will take the action to see the members of my company that are in the roster.

Y: I can see a problem with the characters in the main page.

R: Yes, there is a problem with the page that does not support the characters in Lucía’s name and surname.

L: I can ask Chet for a solution to that, if not, I could “change” my name and avoid those characters.

B: I do not think that is a fair compromise. I can take an action item to check on the internationalisation package of drupal that needs to be integrated to be able to display the characters.

L: I would really appreciate if you can do that, Bryan. Thank you. This would not only help me, I am sure that there are other people in the same situation.


FAQ Section. Legacy documents. Liaison information (David)

R: I did not have the time to work on the FAQ section.


II. Technical work

Migration guide. Rodolfo.

R: I have been busy working on a specific project, so I could not devote on the migration guide.


Online Validation Tool. Feedback, next steps. https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/202101/msg00002.html

R: I have received many likes and “applauses” on  linkedin but I have received any specific (good or bad) feedback. Except for the feedback that you gave me.

L: Did you specifically ask for feedback in your message?

R: I did, but I did not receive any feedback.

B: we can ask again for feedback in our social media to our network.

R: we have an XLIFF TC LinkedIn group.

L: it is not public. The problem is that we cannot publish “publicly” there, only the members of the group will see it.

B: It was originally open if I remember correctly.

R: Yes, the problem is that I think was spammed at some point.

B: Yes, I remember. We changed it because of spam.

R: In addition to the group, maybe we can have an OASIS xliff account. I know that companies do not.

L: I can look into that.

B: we can also look into into wechat.

Y: is there any instructions for providing feedback? In the tool?

R: Yes, you are right. There is not any information on how to provide feedback on the page of the tool. I can add an announcement of the new version and add that. To the xliff comment list or github?

Y: I think it makes more sense to send it to github.

L: I agree with Yoshito.

R: The other thing that would be nice, to have a drag and drop box, to upload files. And that can be added to the announcement.

L: Rodolfo, please let us know if we can assist you with something.


IV. New business

L: No new business?

Meeting adjourned. See you in two weeks. The next meeting will count for voting eligibility.


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