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Subject: Re: [xmile] Inviting nominations for Chair of XMILE TC

Hi Chet,

I'd like to nominate Karim Chichakly as co-chair of the XMILE Technical Committee.  Karim first developed XMILE in 2007 based on the visionary idea that a technical XML specification could allow System Dynamics Models to be more easily ported between different applications.  He saw that models could be broken down into components, stored in libraries, and re-used.  Karim invited Ventana, Powersim, Forio, and Anylogic to learn about XMILE and adopt it as a common System Dynamics language that could increase software adoption across the industry.

Thanks to OASIS, we now have the opportunity to extend XMILE as an IT industry-wide standard that will enable vast new audiences to benefit from Systems Thinking.

I'm sure Karim will be a terrific co-chair and I enthusiastically support his nomination.

Best Regards,


From: Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org>
To: xmile@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: 07/16/2013 09:57 AM
Subject: [xmile] Inviting nominations for Chair of XMILE TC

To all prospective members of the XMILE TC:

The first order of business at the first TC meeting is to elect a chair (or two co-chairs). If you are interested in serving as a Chair or in nominating another individual for the position of Chair, you are welcome to make that candidacy known prior to the first meeting by posting a note to the TC's e-mail list expressing your interest and/or intent along with a brief statement of your or their qualifications. The meeting will also accept nominations from any qualified persons before beginning the vote. 


Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration 
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society


Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 

Check your work using the Support Request Submission Checklist at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/47248/tc-admin-submission-checklist.html 

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