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Subject: [xmlvoc-comment] XMLvoc PSI definitions


Attached you will find:

1. An HTML page that has suggested definitions for the XMLvoc PSIs with 
comments and source references.

2. The ltm file with the definitions inserted.

3. An XTM version of #2 (generated with Omnigator)

(Note that I changed the name of the ltm file from xmlvoc.ltm to 
xmlvoc_pld.ltm just to avoid overwrite issues.)

Please post corrections or suggestions to the list. I am working on 
improving the underlying XML that I used to generate the HTML and ltm 
file so changes/comments, etc. can be entered and we can just generate a 
new page. Probably not this week but perhaps next.

I assume it would be appropriate for these files to be posted to the 
OASIS site?

Hope this finds everyone in good health and spirits!


Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature
Co-Editor, ISO Reference Model for Topic Maps

XMLVoc PSI Definitions

This document expands upon the draft definitions for the XMLvoc topic map. Sources for the definitions suggested to the XMLvoc TC are reported below. The listing follows the order of the source topic map, that is, topic types, association-types, association role types, occurrence types and themes with the suggested definitions. Within each category, however, the terms are listed in alphabetical order.

This document was prepared for use by the XMLvoc working group in its discussion and preparation of its work products. It is not a work product of the XMLvoc group, but hopefully an aid to its work. Please check the XMLvoc website for the latest draft of its work before posting comments on definitions. Note that all comments on definitions for XMLvoc drafts, should be sent directly to the XMLvoc mailing list.


application-domain: The general purpose for which an application is commonly used.

Src: None.

application-programming-interface: A specific method defined for making requests of an operating system or application by another application. (Also see as API.)

Src: http://searchwin2000.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid1_gci213778,00.html

character set: A collection of elements used to represent textual information.

Src: http://www.unicode.org/glossary/

character-encoding: A character encoding form plus byte serialization. There are seven character encoding schemes in Unicode: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE.

Comment: The reported definition is actually from the Unicode glossary entry for "Character Encoding Scheme." It it was meant in some more generic sense, then the definition needs revision.

Src: http://www.unicode.org/glossary/

Lars Marius Garshol: This was what I had in mind with "character encoding", yes. Many people use a mental ontology
that divides things into character encodings and character sets, but Unicode Technical Report #17[1] goes further
and divides it into five levels.

I'm not sure how detailed we want to be. It seems to me that our character encoding corresponds to their CES and our
character set to their CCS. I don't see much of a need for their ACR, while their CEF would allow us to distinguish
between UTF-16 and UTF-16LE/UTF-16BE, but wouldn't do much else. 

To me it seems that what we can take away from UTR #17 is:

a) better definitions of character encoding and character set,

b) the notion of a Transfer Encoding Syntax (such as base64 and UUencoding), and

c) the notion of a Character Encoding Form.

I like a), think I like b) and am open to c).

[1] <URL: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr17/ >

committee: A formal grouping of people devoted to a specific standardization task within a standards body.

Src: None.

constraint-language: A language that constrains the values of variables occurring within it.

Src: Based upon: http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/diss/node30.html, found in: "A Uniform Computational Model for Natural Language Parsing and Generation" by Günter Neumann, http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/diss/diss.html.

data-model: Result of analysis of a group of objects (in the most generic sense) and the relationships (if any) between the objects.

Comment: The proposed definition was actually extracted from an entry on data dictionaries. Interesting that Fleming and Halle (Handbook of Relational Database Design) use the term "logical data modeling" but not the simpler "data model." In terms of analytic techniques, Fleming and Halle is still a good read.

Src: http://searchhp.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid6_gci211896,00.html

document: A collection of information that is processed as a unit.

Comment: Used the ISO 8879 definition in part (removed the document type reference) since any specific definition would create problems of over inclusion or exclusion.

Src: ISO 8879 4.96

document-stage: Stage in document preparation, review or approval.

Src: None.

formal-language: A language in which tokens and larger structures can be generated from rules as opposed to natural languages which have tokens and larger structures as a priori givens.

Comment: Tried to find an appropriate quotation in "The Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling" by Aho and Ullman, mostly because of the fly-leaf description as "States all algorithms in clear, easy-to-understand English." but was unable to locate one.

Src: None.

interface-definition-language: A language for definition of interfaces.

Comment: Should it be assumed that "user" interfaces are the object of this term? An API could (does?) use an "interface definition language," at least in some sense of the term.

Src: None.

legal-entity: An entity, other than a natural person, who has sufficient legal existence in legal contemplation that it can function legally, be sued or sue and make decisions through agents as is the case of corporatios.

Comment: A rather slippery subject (no pun intended!) indeed! What consititutes a "legal entity" varies by legal jurisdiction. I don't think we can do much better than to use the standard definition reported.

Src: Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

metalanguage: A language used to talk about a language.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com

organization: As term is used in commercial law, includes a corporation, government, or government subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity.

Comment: Note that "organization" is broader than "legal entity," such as in the case of two persons having a common interest. This is another case where we can't do much more than quote the definition and warn people to rely on the legal meaning of these terms at their own risk.

Src: Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

person: A natural person, as distinguished from a legal entity.

Comment: This definition illustrates the need to note scope on PSIs. While this may seem like an adequate definition of person, what if someone points to it from a legal document as the PSI for person? For some purposes, 42 USC 1983 (civil rights legislation), municipalities are defined as "persons". Treatment of the term varies by legal jurisdiction and even within jurisdictions.

Src: None.

programming-language: A language used to write programs for computers, such as Java, Python, Lisp or C.

Src: None.

protocol: A specified set of steps or procedures that allows blind interchange of information between computers. Thus, the FTP or HTTP protocols allow both ftp or http interchanges between computers without prior arrangement between their respective users.

Src: None.

query-language: A language for inserting, updating and locating data in a data source.

Src: Based on definition of Structured Query Language found at: http://searchdatabase.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid13_gci214230,00.html.

serialization-syntax: A syntax to which data is written from a specified initial form.

Src: None.

standards-body: An organization that sets standards for particular activities.

Comment: Relying upon the broad notion of organizations to capture the wide range of groups that issue standards. Might want to consider adding the more common ones for the XML area, such as ISO, IETF, OASIS, and the national bodies for ISO. (I promised SteveP I would not add or take anything out so consider this a request to add to the list.)

Src: None.

style-language: A language that adds formatting or presentation information to a document.

Src: None.

technology: The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.

Comment: Noting for amusement the definition in the Concise Oxford Dictionary (5th Edition): "Science of the industrial arts; ethonological study of the development of arts."

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com

transformation-language: A specialized programming language designed to transform instances of some particular data model into an output format.

Src: None.


authored-by: The relationship between a document and one of its authors.

Src: None.

based-on: The relationship of one work to another, on which first is based, in whole or in part.

Src: None.

contributed-to: The relationship between a document and one of its contributors.

Src: None.

edited-by: The relationship between a document and one of its editors.

Src: None.

encoded-by: The relationship between encoded data or document and the entity (including person) responsible for that encoding.

Comment: Not altogether certain but this seems like a hold over from the early days of markup languages when it was meaningful to speak of the "encoder." This term does not appear in the MARC Code List: Relator Codes -- Term Sequence, http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html. MARC reports the definition of author as: "Use for a person or corporate body chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text. This term may also be used when more than one person or body bears such responsibility." That tends to lead towards dropping encoded-by in favor of authored-by, which is already defined in this PSI set.

Src: None.

expressed-in: The relationship between a document and a particular language or syntax used to express that document.

Src: None.

has-stage: The quality of being at a particular point in a proces that has defined points for approval, revision or review.

Src: None.

member-of: The relationship between a member and an organization.

Src: None.

model-represented-by: The relationship between a model and some means of representing the model.

Src: None.

operates-on: The relationship between a query language and its data model target.

Src: None.

Lars Marius Garshol: This was an attempt to specify the relationship between a query language 
and the data model that it operates on. It also applies to the schema language/data model relationship.

I think this name works for the QL/DM relationship, but I'm not sure if the CL/DM relationship is the same, 
and whether we need a better name for both, or to separate the two.

part-of: The relationship of a part to a larger whole.

Src: None.

participates-in: The relationship of a participant to an activity or organization.

Src: None.

responsible-for: The relationship between a responsible party and a work or activity for which they are responsible.

Src: None.

specified-in: The relationship between something that has been specified and the sourcce of that specification.

Src: None.


author: Use for a person or corporate body chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text.

Comment: For this and other role types, when available, probably should use the MARC roles. There is little sense in inventing yet another set of role names and definitions in this area.

Src: MARC Code List: Relator Codes -- Term Sequence, http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html

collection: A group or aggregate.

Comment: Not certain this is a meaningful role type. Might be a association-type, collection-of.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com

contributor: Use for one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works.

Src: MARC Code List: Relator Codes -- Term Sequence, http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html

editor: Use for a person who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.

Src: MARC Code List: Relator Codes -- Term Sequence, http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html

member: One of the individuals comprising an organization or entity.

Comment: Revised entry to use other PSI terms.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com, reports (in part) "one of the individuals composing a group."

part: One of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com.

participant: A person or agent who takes part in an activity.

Comment: Added agent to allow organizations or entities to be "participants" activities such as standards organizations. The SBL for example, participates in ISO and OASIS, but only as represented-by Patrick Durusau. May need to add "represented-by" as an association type.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com, reports (in part) "takes part in."

representation: To act as the agent for another, whether a person or organization.

Src: None.

specification: The role played by a document which provides a formal specification of some technology.

Src: None.

whole: An entirety that may (or may not) be composed of constituate parts.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com, reports (in part) "constituting an undivided unit."


definition: A statement expressing the essential nature of something.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com.

email: The email address of a person or organization.

Comment: Slightly ambiguous since this could refer to "email" as in messages or "email" as in an address. Probably should be redone as "email-address."

Src: None.

homepage: The main page of a website.

Src: None.


acronym: A word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com.

synonym: One of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses.

Comment: Curious that "synonym" is included but not "antonym," "homograph," or "homonym." I would think that "homographs" are quite common among "acronyms."

Src: Merriam-Webster Online, http://www.m-w.com.

Patrick Durusau, pdurusau@emory.edu. Latest revision, 2003/01/27.

/* ============== THE OASIS XMLVOC TC's STDSREG ONTOLOGY =========== */

 /* xmlvoc_pld.ltm, 2003/01/27 pdurusau@emory.edu */

 /* $Id: xmlvoc.ltm,v 1.34 2003/01/20 15:18:54 pepper Exp $ */

-> definitions added by Patrick Durusau
-> changed occurrence type 'description' to 'definition'
-> changed '-' instead of '_' (still readable when underlined)
-> changed standards-body-subdivision to committee
   - why make things more convoluted than necessary?
   - the note explains that such things are variously called TCs, WGs, SCs, etc.
-> removed additional PSIs (including foaf) to separate mapping TM

   - clean up overlap between member-of and partipates-in association types

/* -------------- housekeeping topics ------------------------------ */

[subclass-of = "subclass of"
             = "superclass of" /super
[super       = "superclass"
[sub         = "subclass"
[sort        = "sort"

/* -------------- topic types -------------------------------------- */

[application-domain = "application domain" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#application-domain";]
{application-domain, definition, [[The general purpose for which an application is commonly used.]]}

[application-programming-interface = "application programming interface" = "API" /acronym @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#application-programming-interface";]
{application-programming-interface, definition, [[A specific method defined for making requests of an operating system or application by another application. (Also see as API.)]]}
[character-set = "character set" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#character-set";]
{character-set, definition, [[A collection of elements used to represent textual information.]]}
[character-encoding = "character encoding" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#character-encoding";]
{character-encoding, definition, [[A character encoding form plus byte serialization. There are seven character encoding schemes in Unicode: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE.]]}
[data-model = "data model" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#data-model";]
{data-model, definition, [[Result of analysis of a group of objects (in the most generic sense) and the relationships (if any) between the objects.]]}
[document = "document" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#document";]
{document, definition, [[A collection of information that is processed as a unit.]]}
[document-stage = "document stage" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#document-stage";]
{document-stage, definition, [[Stage in document preparation, review or approval.]]}
[legal-entity = "legal entity" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#legal-entity";]
{legal-entity, definition, [[An entity, other than a natural person, who has sufficient legal existence in legal contemplation that it can function legally, be sued or sue and make decisions through agents as is the case of corporatios.]]}
[organization = "organization" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#organization";]
{organization, definition, [[As term is used in commercial law, includes a corporation, government, or government subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity.]]}
[standards-body = "standards body" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#standards-body";]
{standards-body, definition, [[An organization that sets standards for particular activities.]]}
[person = "person" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#person";]
{person, definition, [[A human person, as distinguished from a legal entity.]]}
[committee = "committee" = "working group" /synonym = "subcommittee" /synonym = "technical committee" /synonym @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#committee";]
{committee, definition, [[A formal grouping of people devoted to a specific standardization task within a standards body.]]}
[technology = "technology" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#technology";]
{technology, definition, [[The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. ]]}
[formal-language = "formal language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#formal-language";]
{formal-language, definition, [[A language in which tokens and larger structures can be generated from rules as opposed to natural languages which have tokens and larger structures as a priori givens.]]}
[constraint-language = "constraint language" = "schema language" /synonym @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#constraint-language";]
{constraint-language, definition, [[A language that constrains the values of variables occurring within it.]]}
[interface-definition-language = "interface definition language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#interface-definition-language";]
{interface-definition-language, definition, [[No definition yet.]]}
[transformation-language = "transformation language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#transformation-language";]
{transformation-language, definition, [[A specialized programming language designed to transform instances of some particular data model into an output format.]]}
[programming-language = "programming language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#programming-language";]
{programming-language, definition, [[A language used to write programs for computers, such as Java, Python, Lisp or C.]]}
[style-language = "style language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#style-language";]
{style-language, definition, [[A language that adds formatting or presentation information to a document.]]}
[protocol = "protocol" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#protocol";]
{protocol, definition, [[A specified set of steps or procedures that allows blind interchange of information between computers. Thus, the FTP or HTTP protocols allow both ftp or http interchanges between computers without prior arrangement between their respective users.]]}
[query-language = "query language" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#query-language";]
{query-language, definition, [[A language for inserting, updating and locating data in a data source.]]}
[serialization-syntax = "serialization syntax" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#serialization-syntax";]
{serialization-syntax, definition, [[A syntax to which data is written from a specified initial form.]]}
[metalanguage = "metalanguage" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#metalanguage";]
{metalanguage, definition, [[A language used to talk about a language.]]}

/* -------------- association types -------------------------------- */

[authored-by = "authored by" = "author of" /author @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#authored-by";]
{authored-by, definition, [[The relationship between a document and one of its authors.]]}
[based-on = "based on" = "used for" /metalanguage @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#based-on";]
{based-on, definition, [[The relationship of one work to another, on which first is based, in whole or in part.]]}
[contributed-to = "contributed to" = "contributors" /document @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#contributed-to";]
{contributed-to, definition, [[The relationship between a document and one of its contributors.]]}
[edited-by = "edited by" = "editor of" /editor @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#edited-by";]
{edited-by, definition, [[The relationship between a document and one of its editors.]]}
[has-stage = "current stage" = "documents at this stage" /document-stage @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#has-stage";]
{has-stage, definition, [[The quality of being at a particular point in a proces that has defined points for approval, revision or review.]]}
[encoded-by = "encoded by" = "encodes" /character-encoding @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#encoded-by";]
{encoded-by, definition, [[The relationship between encoded data or document and the entity (including person) responsible for that encoding.]]}
[expressed-in = "expressed in" = "used to express" /formal-language @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#expressed-in";]
{expressed-in, definition, [[The relationship between a document and a particular language or syntax used to express that document.]]}
[member-of = "member of" = "members" /collection @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#member-of";]
{member-of, definition, [[The relationship between a member and an organization.]]}
[operates-on = "operates on" = "operated on by" /data-model @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#operates-on";]
{operates-on, definition, [[The relationship between a query language and its data model target.]]}
[part-of = "part of" = "consists of" /whole @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#part-of";]
{part-of, definition, [[The relationship of a part to a larger whole.]]}
[participates-in = "participates in" = "participants" /committee = "committee representation" /organization @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#participates-in";]
{participates-in, definition, [[The relationship of a participant to an activity or organization.]]}

[model-represented-by = "data model representation" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#model-represented-by";]
{model-represented-by, definition, [[The relationship between a model and some means of representing the model.]]}
[responsible-for = "responsible for" = "responsible organization" /document = "responsible organization" /technology @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#responsible-for";]
{responsible-for, definition, [[The relationship between a responsible party and a work or activity for which they are responsible.]]}
[specified-in = "specified in" = "specification of" /specification @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#specified-in";]
{specified-in, definition, [[The relationship between something that has been specified and the sourcce of that specification.]]}

/* -------------- association role types --------------------------- */

[author = "author" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#author";]
{author, definition, [[Use for a person or corporate body chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text.]]}
[collection = "collection" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#collection";]
{collection, definition, [[A group or aggregate.]]}
[contributor = "contributor" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#contributor";]
{contributor, definition, [[Use for one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works.]]}
[editor = "editor" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#editor";]
{editor, definition, [[Use for a person who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.]]}
[member = "member" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#member";]
{member, definition, [[One of the individuals comprising an organization or entity.]]}
[part = "part" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#part";]
{part, definition, [[One of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole.]]}
[participant = "participant" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#participant";]
{participant, definition, [[A person or agent who takes part in an activity.]]}
[representation = "representation" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#representation";]
{representation, definition, [[To act as the agent for another, whether a person or organization.]]}
[specification = "specification" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#specification";]
{specification, definition, [[The role played by a document which provides a formal specification of some technology.]]}
[whole = "whole" @"http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#whole";]
{whole, definition, [[An entirety that may (or may not) be composed of constituate parts.]]}

/* -------------- occurrence types --------------------------------- */

[definition = "definition" @"http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#definition";]
{definition, definition, [[A statement expressing the essential nature of something.]]}
[email = "email" @"http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#email"; @"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox";]
{email, definition, [[The email address of a person or organization.]]}
[homepage = "homepage" @"http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#homepage";]
{homepage, definition, [[The main page of a website.]]}

/* -------------- themes ------------------------------------------- */

[synonym = "synonym" @"http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#synonym";]
{synonym, definition, [[One of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses.]]}
[acronym = "acronym" @"http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#acronym";]
{acronym, definition, [[A word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.]]}
/* -------------- superclass-subclass relationships ---------------- */

 /* superclass: legal-entity */

 /* NB: commented out for xmlconf to simplify logic in technology.jsp
subclass-of( legal-entity : super, person : sub )
subclass-of( legal-entity : super, organization : sub )

  /* superclass: document */
subclass-of( document : super, specification : sub )

  /* superclass: organization */
subclass-of( organization : super, standards-body : sub )

  /* superclass: technology */
subclass-of( technology : super, metalanguage : sub )
subclass-of( technology : super, formal-language : sub )
subclass-of( technology : super, data-model : sub )
subclass-of( technology : super, character-encoding : sub )
subclass-of( technology : super, character-set : sub )
subclass-of( technology : super, application-programming-interface : sub )

  /* superclass: formal-language */
subclass-of( formal-language : super, interface-definition-language : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, programming-language : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, serialization-syntax : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, constraint-language : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, style-language : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, query-language : sub )
subclass-of( formal-language : super, protocol : sub )

  /* superclass: programming-language */
subclass-of( programming-language : super, transformation-language : sub )

/* -------------- templating associations -------------------------- */

 /* NB: templating associations should be commented out for xmlconf app */

authored-by( person : author, document : document )
based-on( formal-language : formal-language, metalanguage : metalanguage )
contributed-to( person : contributor, document : document )
edited-by( person : editor, document : document )
encoded-by( character-set : character-set, character-encoding : character-encoding )
expressed-in( application-programming-interface : application-programming-interface, interface-definition-language : formal-language )
expressed-in( application-programming-interface : application-programming-interface, programming-language : formal-language )
has-stage( document : document, document-stage : document-stage )
member-of( organization : member, standards-body : collection )
member-of( organization : member, committee : collection )
member-of( person       : member, standards-body : collection )
member-of( person       : member, committee : collection )
model-represented-by( data-model : data-model, application-programming-interface : representation )
model-represented-by( data-model : data-model, serialization-syntax : representation )
model-represented-by( data-model : data-model, metalanguage : representation )
operates-on( data-model : data-model , constraint-language     : formal-language )
operates-on( data-model : data-model , transformation-language : formal-language )
operates-on( data-model : data-model , query-language          : formal-language )
part-of( standards-body : whole, committee : part )
part-of( committee      : whole, committee : part )
participates-in( person : participant, committee : committee, organization : organization )
responsible-for( organization : organization, document : document )
responsible-for( organization : organization, technology : technology )
specified-in( technology : technology, document : specification )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<topicMap xmlns="http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/"; xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; id="id0">
  <topic id="participates-in">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#participates-in";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id133">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#committee"></topicRef>
    <baseName id="id134">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#organization"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>committee representation</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id132">
      <baseNameString>participates in</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id135">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship of a participant to an activity or organization.</resourceData>
  <topic id="sort">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#sort";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id9">
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      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#synonym";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id182">
    <occurrence id="id183">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>One of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses.</resourceData>
  <topic id="metalanguage">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#metalanguage";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id85">
    <occurrence id="id86">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language used to talk about a language.</resourceData>
  <topic id="model-represented-by">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#model-represented-by";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id137">
      <baseNameString>data model representation</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id138">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a model and some means of representing the model.</resourceData>
  <topic id="representation">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#representation";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id168">
    <occurrence id="id169">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>To act as the agent for another, whether a person or organization.</resourceData>
  <topic id="specified-in">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#specified-in";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id145">
      <baseNameString>specified in</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id146">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#specification"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>specification of</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id148">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between something that has been specified and the sourcce of that specification.</resourceData>
  <topic id="legal-entity">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#legal-entity";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id35">
      <baseNameString>legal entity</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id36">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>An entity, other than a natural person, who has sufficient legal existence in legal contemplation that it can function legally, be sued or sue and make decisions through agents as is the case of corporatios.</resourceData>
  <topic id="person">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#person";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id44">
    <occurrence id="id45">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A human person, as distinguished from a legal entity.</resourceData>
  <topic id="responsible-for">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#responsible-for";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id142">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#technology"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>responsible organization</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id140">
      <baseNameString>responsible for</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id141">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#document"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>responsible organization</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id143">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a responsible party and a work or activity for which they are responsible.</resourceData>
  <topic id="editor">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#editor";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id156">
    <occurrence id="id157">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>Use for a person who prepares for publication a work not primarily his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.</resourceData>
  <topic id="technology">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#technology";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id54">
    <occurrence id="id55">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. </resourceData>
  <topic id="document-stage">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#document-stage";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id32">
      <baseNameString>document stage</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id33">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>Stage in document preparation, review or approval.</resourceData>
  <topic id="super">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#superclass";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id5">
  <topic id="application-domain">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#application-domain";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id11">
      <baseNameString>application domain</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id13">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The general purpose for which an application is commonly used.</resourceData>
  <topic id="member-of">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#member-of";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id118">
      <baseNameString>member of</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id119">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#collection"></topicRef>
    <occurrence id="id121">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a member and an organization.</resourceData>
  <topic id="formal-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#formal-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id57">
      <baseNameString>formal language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id58">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language in which tokens and larger structures can be generated from rules as opposed to natural languages which have tokens and larger structures as a priori givens.</resourceData>
  <topic id="transformation-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#transformation-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id67">
      <baseNameString>transformation language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id68">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A specialized programming language designed to transform instances of some particular data model into an output format.</resourceData>
  <topic id="part-of">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#part-of";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id128">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#whole"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>consists of</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id127">
      <baseNameString>part of</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id130">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship of a part to a larger whole.</resourceData>
  <topic id="application-programming-interface">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#application-programming-interface";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id16">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#acronym"></topicRef>
    <baseName id="id15">
      <baseNameString>application programming interface</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id18">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A specific method defined for making requests of an operating system or application by another application. (Also see as API.)</resourceData>
  <topic id="participant">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#participant";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id165">
    <occurrence id="id166">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A person or agent who takes part in an activity.</resourceData>
  <topic id="character-encoding">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#character-encoding";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id23">
      <baseNameString>character encoding</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id24">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A character encoding form plus byte serialization. There are seven character encoding schemes in Unicode: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE.</resourceData>
  <topic id="query-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#query-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id79">
      <baseNameString>query language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id80">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language for inserting, updating and locating data in a data source.</resourceData>
  <topic id="edited-by">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#edited-by";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id101">
      <baseNameString>edited by</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id102">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#editor"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>editor of</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id104">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a document and one of its editors.</resourceData>
  <topic id="whole">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#whole";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id172">
    <occurrence id="id173">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>An entirety that may (or may not) be composed of constituate parts.</resourceData>
  <topic id="part">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#part";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id162">
    <occurrence id="id163">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>One of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole.</resourceData>
  <topic id="acronym">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#acronym";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id184">
    <occurrence id="id185">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.</resourceData>
  <topic id="protocol">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#protocol";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id76">
    <occurrence id="id77">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A specified set of steps or procedures that allows blind interchange of information between computers. Thus, the FTP or HTTP protocols allow both ftp or http interchanges between computers without prior arrangement between their respective users.</resourceData>
  <topic id="based-on">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#based-on";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id94">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#metalanguage"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>used for</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id93">
      <baseNameString>based on</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id95">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship of one work to another, on which first is based, in whole or in part.</resourceData>
  <topic id="member">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#member";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id159">
    <occurrence id="id160">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>One of the individuals comprising an organization or entity.</resourceData>
  <topic id="sub">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#subclass";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id7">
  <topic id="collection">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#collection";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id151">
    <occurrence id="id152">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A group or aggregate.</resourceData>
  <topic id="encoded-by">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#encoded-by";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id110">
      <baseNameString>encoded by</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id111">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#character-encoding"></topicRef>
    <occurrence id="id112">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between encoded data or document and the entity (including person) responsible for that encoding.</resourceData>
  <topic id="contributed-to">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#contributed-to";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id97">
      <baseNameString>contributed to</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id98">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#document"></topicRef>
    <occurrence id="id99">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a document and one of its contributors.</resourceData>
  <topic id="constraint-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#constraint-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id60">
      <baseNameString>constraint language</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id61">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#synonym"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>schema language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id62">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language that constrains the values of variables occurring within it.</resourceData>
  <topic id="expressed-in">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#expressed-in";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id115">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#formal-language"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>used to express</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id114">
      <baseNameString>expressed in</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id116">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a document and a particular language or syntax used to express that document.</resourceData>
  <topic id="author">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#author";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id149">
    <occurrence id="id150">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>Use for a person or corporate body chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of a work, usually printed text.</resourceData>
  <topic id="definition">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#definition";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id174">
    <occurrence id="id175">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A statement expressing the essential nature of something.</resourceData>
  <topic id="organization">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#organization";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id38">
    <occurrence id="id39">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>As term is used in commercial law, includes a corporation, government, or government subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity.</resourceData>
  <topic id="serialization-syntax">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#serialization-syntax";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id82">
      <baseNameString>serialization syntax</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id83">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A syntax to which data is written from a specified initial form.</resourceData>
  <topic id="character-set">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#character-set";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id20">
      <baseNameString>character set</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id21">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A collection of elements used to represent textual information.</resourceData>
  <topic id="has-stage">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#has-stage";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id107">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#document-stage"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>documents at this stage</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id106">
      <baseNameString>current stage</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id108">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The quality of being at a particular point in a proces that has defined points for approval, revision or review.</resourceData>
  <topic id="interface-definition-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#interface-definition-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id64">
      <baseNameString>interface definition language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id65">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>No definition yet.</resourceData>
  <topic id="email">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/mbox";></subjectIndicatorRef>
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#email";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id177">
    <occurrence id="id178">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The email address of a person or organization.</resourceData>
  <topic id="homepage">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.ontopia.net/xmlconf/#homepage";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id180">
    <occurrence id="id181">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The main page of a website.</resourceData>
  <topic id="programming-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#programming-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id70">
      <baseNameString>programming language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id71">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language used to write programs for computers, such as Java, Python, Lisp or C.</resourceData>
  <topic id="operates-on">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#operates-on";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id124">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#data-model"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>operated on by</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id123">
      <baseNameString>operates on</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id125">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a query language and its data model target.</resourceData>
  <topic id="document">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#document";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id29">
    <occurrence id="id30">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A collection of information that is processed as a unit.</resourceData>
  <topic id="style-language">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#style-language";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id73">
      <baseNameString>style language</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id74">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A language that adds formatting or presentation information to a document.</resourceData>
  <topic id="standards-body">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#standards-body";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id41">
      <baseNameString>standards body</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id42">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>An organization that sets standards for particular activities.</resourceData>
  <topic id="committee">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#committee";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id50">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#synonym"></topicRef>
    <baseName id="id51">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#synonym"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>technical committee</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id48">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#synonym"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>working group</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id47">
    <occurrence id="id52">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>A formal grouping of people devoted to a specific standardization task within a standards body.</resourceData>
  <topic id="contributor">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#contributor";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id154">
    <occurrence id="id155">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>Use for one whose work has been contributed to a larger work, such as an anthology, serial publication, or other compilation of individual works.</resourceData>
  <topic id="subclass-of">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/core.xtm#superclass-subclass";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id3">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#super"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>superclass of</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id2">
      <baseNameString>subclass of</baseNameString>
  <topic id="data-model">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#data-model";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id26">
      <baseNameString>data model</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id27">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>Result of analysis of a group of objects (in the most generic sense) and the relationships (if any) between the objects.</resourceData>
  <topic id="authored-by">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#authored-by";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id88">
      <baseNameString>authored by</baseNameString>
    <baseName id="id89">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#author"></topicRef>
      <baseNameString>author of</baseNameString>
    <occurrence id="id91">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The relationship between a document and one of its authors.</resourceData>
  <topic id="specification">
      <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="http://psi.xml.org/stdsreg/#specification";></subjectIndicatorRef>
    <baseName id="id170">
    <occurrence id="id171">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#definition"></topicRef>
      <resourceData>The role played by a document which provides a formal specification of some technology.</resourceData>
  <association id="id270">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#model-represented-by"></topicRef>
    <member id="id272">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#representation"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#application-programming-interface"></topicRef>
    <member id="id271">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#data-model"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#data-model"></topicRef>
  <association id="id291">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#part-of"></topicRef>
    <member id="id292">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#whole"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#committee"></topicRef>
    <member id="id293">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#part"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#committee"></topicRef>
  <association id="id198">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#subclass-of"></topicRef>
    <member id="id200">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#sub"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#data-model"></topicRef>
    <member id="id199">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#super"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#technology"></topicRef>
  <association id="id195">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#subclass-of"></topicRef>
    <member id="id197">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#sub"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#formal-language"></topicRef>
    <member id="id196">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#super"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#technology"></topicRef>
  <association id="id288">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#part-of"></topicRef>
    <member id="id290">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#part"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#committee"></topicRef>
    <member id="id289">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#whole"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#standards-body"></topicRef>
  <association id="id252">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#expressed-in"></topicRef>
    <member id="id254">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#formal-language"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#programming-language"></topicRef>
    <member id="id253">
        <topicRef xlink:href="#application-programming-interface"></topicRef>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#application-programming-interface"></topicRef>
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