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Subject: [xmlvoc] Notes (rough) from Barcelona meeting of XMLvoc
Greetings! I hope that everyone returned safe and sound from the very productive meetings in Barcelona! Attached are the very rough and non-edited notes from the XMLvoc meeting (very close to being stream of comments, some relevant, some less so, others just idle tapping of my fingers on the keyboard, will have to await Holger's return from holiday to sort all that out) ;-) From Holger's editing will emerge the minutes of the meeting. Corrections, etc., should be posted here for Holger to fold into what will eventually emerge as the minutes of the meeting. Personal comment: I found the actual working of the group together on the list of possible XML "topics" from Holger, as prompted by Lars Marius one of the more productive episodes in any topic map meeting I have attended. Would like to see more of that sort of activity in the future. Kudos to both Holger and Lars Marius! Patrick -- Patrick Durusau Director of Research and Development Society of Biblical Literature pdurusau@emory.edu
XML-Voc Meeting: Barcelona 24 May 2002 >>>> Approval of minutes: approved Thomas Steve Pepper Holger Rath Bernard Peter Lars Mary Motomu Naico Patrick Durusau Oasis refused PSI address: said to use URN scheme. SteveP: URN is not preferred solution, need something that can be resolved. Holger: answer from Karl - concerned with maintaining current practices and not provide something different for this TC, no decision yet, other TCs use namespace at OASIS, URN:OASIS: Peter: difference is that for PSI is a new paradigm in the work of TCs, we need one that is not needed by others. Holger: could OASIS provide a general mechanism for PSIs SteveP: limited number of domains owed by OASIS, CGI Open could use psi.cgiopen.org Lars: cost is virtually nill SteveP: this is the core of what OASIS means, should go back and insist Holger: joint from various TCs? general issue, asking for psi.xml.org Peter: would only have XMLVoc at this domain Bernard: but don't want to centralize so why have this specific domain name Lars: should explain our requirement The three chairs agree to ask for psi.xml.org from OASIS Peter: agree that XMLVoc would use this for XML vocabulary >>>> Lars will write something up to submit to OASIS. ****Results of voting on requirements 8 votes, 7 yes, 1 no fits requirements, so approved. couple of notes or comments (SteveP, Lars) triggered next item, use cases ****Use Cases ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** Summary of main use cases, reconstructed after the meeting 1. design of ontology 2. interchange of information 3. syndication of content -- push/pull 4. "OSI" layer approach - educational use, to be explained by XMLvoc 5. SteveP: providing a vocabulary where pre-existing classification does not exist - and provide a validation mechanism (specific PSIs, providing a model for how to construct PSI, validation of a proof of concept) 6. Sellable XML ontology with PSI for binding points 7. reuse reduces institutional investment costs 8. XML Portal *************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************** Return to the meeting minutes: **> below marks major use cases SteveP: use cases should be attractive to OASIS members Free XML Tools ---> application, **> design of ontology, **> interchange of information, (Holger, to what detail should it go?), (Steve, exchange of information in practice?) Lars, has spoken to Robin about merging information, link websites, **> syndication of content -- push/pull **> "OSI" layer approach - educational use, to be explained by XMLvoc Peter: proof of concept, demonstrate how it would work for a public that already understands the vocabulary **> SteveP: providing a vocabulary where pre-existing classification does not exist - and provide a validation mechanism (specific PSIs, providing a model for how to construct PSI, validation of a proof of concept) SteveP: more compelling use cases than just syndication in general, updating resources? distinguish between push and pull? easy to collect and easy to send? Peter: identify to collect? first step before gathering Holger: think about proceedings of this conference, rather than the keywords used by the authors, SteveP: really about establishing controlled vocabularies Easier update of ontologies (push/pull) Reuse of existing ontology to improve metadata - (used Free XML tools to mine keywords to make them more precise) Lars: can make use of existing metadata Make keywords useful for conference proceedings : establish classes and let others define the actual terms Simplification of keywords: handling of XML conferences Classification of XML conference papers **> Sellable XML ontology with PSI for binding points **> reuse reduces institutional investment costs Use to discover and refine the existing data Bernard: cost of time and investment for building such an ontology will be supported by this committee, vendors will use, Microsoft sells keywords Mary: a little like DocBook, but we are giving away more data, one or two companies write a test suite and then given away, but what about another company making money on it SteveP: open, distributed knowledgebase about XML, a framework of published subjects about XML for OASIS, vendors do their topicmaps and submit to OASIS -- XML Omnicense **> XML Portal SteveP: Improved access to information about XML SteveP: Open Directory -- finer grained categories for listing SteveP: Provide useful fine grained categories for public classification systems Bernard: no listing for abbrs resolution -- "Mr. Check" "I Finger" Mary: if setup, have tons of links that are disorganized, would help organize web portals SteveP: is use case what we want for what we will use or what others will use our work for: Holger: ad hoc online dictionary for XML terms ****************End of Use Cases************* 2 classes of use cases a. for our work -- marked with asterick b. work by others *************** Holger will start a use case document and then decide where the use cases go Lars: use case will be a set of published subjects Bernard: what would need an ontology for, should look at W3C similar efforts DAML-OIL discussion. Cover pages: has anyone looked at it? Bernard: should look at XML categories look like in OpenDirectory Lars: let's start working on a classification Holger: looked at key words, 8 pages from the confence proceedings ****** Lars - SteveP -> this is the ragbag of terms Lars - find topic types topic types and occurrence types derived from Holger's List from the conference: TT = topic type TT: Standard = Technology = W3C recommendation TT: Organization TT: Product/Tool TT: Language TT: Application, e.g. ebXML TT: Protocol TT: Character encoding TT: Vocabulary (how it relates, application of a schema) TT: Schema languages TT: Data model TT: Application Domain (industry) TT: Query language TT: Markup language TT: Programming language TT: Platform (OS) and software TT: Tool category TT: Person TT: Standards body TT: Vendor TT: Service Provider TT: Service (professional services) TT: Standard stage TT: committee TT: project TT: Users TT: Company Oc = Occurrence Type Oc: date of birth Oc: current version number Oc: email addresses Oc: smail addresses Oc: homepage - web address Oc: download location Oc: spec text Oc: definition Oc: abstract Oc: bio Oc: fact sheet Oc: charter Oc: dates Oc: description Oc: logo Oc: signature Oc: copyright status Oc: license Oc: price Oc: privacy Oc: press release Oc: report on Oc: assessment of Oc: web page Oc: definition ********Roadmap to Montreal********* show of hands on planning to attend Extreme Markup: TC meetings on 10th of August 2002 Meeting after Extreme, XML 2002 in Baltimore Lars will remail the information on topic map IRC Will allow calls to meeting, but being flexible on it. Agreed to a com call for 1 hour in Published Subjects TC Holger: Homework 1. Clustering of use cases 2. Look at topics and occurrences 3. Can look at Cover pages 4. Proposal for associations are welcome 5. Look at resources (internal or external) to see how well (or not well) the sites fit the topic and occurrence types listed above Adjourned: ************Holger's paper starts here, no further minutes**************** Concept hierarchies for XML Europe 2002 orenge model Author: H. Holger Rath, 19-04-2002 NOTE: concepts on same level in hierarchy should have a similarity of 0.5 (if this is not automatically calculated by orenge) character code = character encoding ISO 8859 ASCII UNICODE UTF-8 UTF-16 EBCDIC Metadata Standard = Metadata vocabulary = metadata set published subjects ParlML XMLvoc GeoLang Dublin Core = DC = DublinCore RSS subject classification taxonomy data dictionary thesaurus Complex Metadata RDF = resource description framework XTM = XML topic maps = topic maps = HyTM = ISO 13250 = ISO/IEC 13250 = 13250 ISO Reference Model Standard Application Model merging topic map graph Index = indexing Document language structured document RTF = Rich text format Markup Language = Markup TEI = Text encoding initiative HTML XHTML XML = extensible markup language well-formed = well-formedness namespace SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language = ISO 8879 ASN.1 Grammar = DTD = Document type definition = document type declaration Reporting language Extensible Business Reporting Language = xbrl Layout Language = Style Language = Formatting Language Transformation Language = Conversion Legacy data conversion XSLT = XSL(T) OmniMark up-translation down-translation word conversion XSL CSS DSSSL fop pdf postscript Schema Language = Schema XML Schema Relax Relax NG TREX SOX DSDL Schematron XCSL DAML OIL DAML+OIL TMCL RDF-S = RDFS = RDF schema Semantic validation API DOM JDBC ODBC SAX VBA = Visual Basic for applications Query Language = Query SQL TMQL RDF Query XML Query language XQuery XML Query XQuilt Multimedia = Multi Media Link language = linking language Hytime XLink XPointer XPath Animation SMIL mpeg Graphic Standard CGM WebCGM SVG AI = Artificial Intelligence Cased-Based Reasoning = CBR Programming Language Java = J2EE Python Visual Basic C++ C# Scripting language perl java script php electronic Data interchange = data interchange = EDI EDIFACT ebxml encoding decoding Protocol wireless protocol gms gprs syndication = web syndication ice = ice standard program communication = SOAP web services WSDL = web services description language UDDI Jini .NET COM CORBA RMI = remote message invocation RPC = remote procedure call XML-RPC Modeling = Modeling language ontology uml = universal modeling language = xmi mof MDA = Model-Driven Architecture Security PKI XML Key Management Specification = XKMS XML-DSIG = XML Digital Signature Tool Web Tool Web Server Apache CGI Application Server tomcat = Catalina JSP = Java Server Pages ASP Servlet Portal = Web Portal = Gateway Business Portal Citizen Portal Knowledge Portal = Knowledge Gateway Wireless Tool = Mobile Tool Bluetooth semantic web Database relational database = RDB = RDBMS Oracle hierarchical database = XML Database tamino excelon Ixiasoft Search = Search engine = query engine = find technology = information retrieval full text search = full text = full-text search = full-text = fulltext search = fulltext Text processing Microsoft word = MS word Navigation browser = web browser Netscape = Netscape navigator Microsoft internet explorer = internet explorer = MS IE = IE XML tool parser = sax processor xerces xslt processor xalan xlink engine x2x Application e-government govtalk mireg = Managing Information Resources for e-Government e-Government Interoperability Framework = eGIF Patent = Patent Office European Patent Office = EPO Japan Patent Office = JPO United States Patent and Trademark Office = USPTO World Intellectual Property Organization = WIPO E-PCT Learning = eLearning = e-learning = education Automatic Learning Logistics CALS Publishing electronic publishing = electronic publication multi-channel publishing Commercial Publishing legal publishing = legal publisher stm publishing = stm publisher Corporate Publishing Technical Documentation = Tecdoc = manuals Software documentation = software manuals docbook DTD = docbook Information Management = Data Management Technical information system = TIS Content Management Content Management System = CMS Link Management Link Management System Content Structure Management Distributed Information Management = Distributed Systems = Distributed Information System Knowledge Management = KM Knowledge Management System empolis knowledge suite = orenge = k42 = eks Corporate Memory Health = Healthcare Patient record electronic patient record Organization W3C = World wide web consortium = World-wide web consortium ISO = International Standards Organization = International Organization for Standardization OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards OMG = Object Management Group European Standardisation Committee = CEN IDEAlliance = GCA = graphics communication association
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