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Subject: [xmlvoc] wildesweb glossary in pseudo-ltm available
hello there. i'm new to the xmlvoc tc, so welcome to everybody else! as some of you may have seen, i have been doing something along the lines of xmlvoc's goal on http://wildesweb.com/glossary/, which is a set of html pages generated from my personal "topic map" format. since it is not really a topic map format, i have been asked to make it available in a better digestible form, for example ltm. i am not an expert in topic maps syntax, so ltm was just right for me. you can look at the results of my first attempts at http://wildesweb.com/glossary.ltm, which right now is a 250kb document. i am sure there are errors in there, so please let me know what i have to change to make it a valid ltm document. please note that the ltm document is a simplification of my own xml, because some things cannot be properly expressed in ltm (such as the links to other topics in the descriptive text of topics). as a result, i would prefer to see the ltm document as a read-only document, and make any changes that people would like to have to the underlying xml. the ltm is regenerated every time i regenerate my html pages (about once every week), so feel free to get the latest version whenever you want an update. all the best, erik wilde - tel:+41-1-6325132 - fax:+41-1-6321035 mailto:net.dret@dret.net - http://dret.net/ computer engineering and networks laboratory swiss federal institute of technology (eth) * try not. do, or do not. there is no try. *
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