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Subject: Next F2F Meeting

Dear XMLvoc TC member,

After a long period of silence I would like 
to inform you about the next f2f meeting of 
the XMLvoc TC.

Meeting location:

	London in conjunction with XML Europe 2003
	(I hope OASIS will block a meeting
	room for us and the other TCs in the
	conference hotel - I will let you know
	as soon as I know more)

Meeting time/date: 

	Fri. May 09, 09:00-11:00 am (London time)
	(GeoLang and PubSubj TCs will meet afterwards)


The formal stuff:
-	Welcome by chair and membership issues 
-	Roll call of participants 
-	Approval of agenda 
-	Approval of minutes of last meeting 
-	Review of action items 

The real work:
-	Identification of occurrence types
-	Definition of URL-Scheme for XMLvoc PSIs
-	Discussion of further open issues 
	(derived from open action items)

Again some formal stuff:
-	Experiences with OASIS Kavi system
-	Next meetings and further actions

To prepare the meeting, please take a look at the 
minutes of last meeting (I uploaded them to the OASIS 
Kavi system) and check the list action items.

NB: Because I will not be able to attend the meeting
our TC secretary Patrick Durusau volunteered to chair
the meeting. I will meet some of you at the ISO
meetings (starting at May 02) I am able to attend.


Dr. H. Holger Rath
- Head of Consulting -

empolis * GmbH
arvato knowledge management
part of arvato: a Bertelsmann company
Europaallee 10
67657 Kaiserslautern, Germany

phone :  +49-172-66-90-427
fax   :  +49-631-303-5507


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