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Subject: XRI Vote Reminder

A ballot which was important for maintaining TC membership was sent out a week ago last friday. The poll closed this last friday (Sept. 19th).
A reminder email was set to be sent out last Thursday to remind those who had not yet voted. Unfortunately, it appears that the Oasis Kavi system did not actually deliver the email until earlier today, thus undermining the purpose of serving as a reminder to vote BEFORE the deadline.
Therefore, I have extended the deadline for this ballot until this coming Friday, Sep 26th. The closing time is set to "3pm" without a time zone - therefore I can't give an exact time of day (those who have not voted should get another reminder with more details). IF YOU HAVE NOT VOTED YET AND ARE ELIGIBLE, PLEASE DO SO NOW!
Its extremely important that TC members who intend to be official members of the TC vote!

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