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Subject: Example local resolver API and corresponding proxy resolver output.

Hi all,

Discussions with Drummond earlier today led to the following

The first section describes an example API for the local 
Resolver. The second section shows the proxy resolver's
corresponding outputs based on the value of its argument
_xrd_r which takes on one of three values:
xrds    Perform authority resolution only and return the 
        XRDS document.

uri     Perform authority resolution and service endpoint 
        selection, and return the highest priority URI.

sep     Perform authority resolution and service endpoint 
        selection, and return the full set of SEP output 


Example API for Local Resolver:

[N.B.: Note that the method names correspond to the values of the 
_xrd_r argument used by the proxy resolver.]

[N.B.: I will formalize the documentation after the group has
has had a chance to respond. Currently it's just a list of notes.]

1. int xrdsResolve(
        in string qXRI, in string mediaType, in boolean noFollowRefs, 
        out string XRDS, out string errorContext);

    -   Performs authority resolution only and outputs the XRDS.
    -   Only the first segment of qXRI is processed.
    -   A null value for mediaType defaults to application/xrds+xml.
    -   All _xrd_ arguments on qXRI are ignored by this operation.
    -   Returns the error code. If error, then the errorContext 
        output argument may contain additional error information. 
        The XRDS will contain an XRD with the same code and 
        optional context information.

2. int uriResolve(
        in string qXRI, in string type, in string mediaType, 
        in boolean noFollowRefs, out string URI,  
        out string errorContext);

    -	  Performs both authority resolution and service selection,
        and outputs the highest priority URI after URI construction.
    -   The first segment of the given qXRI is used for authority
        resolution phase. The remainder of the qXRI is used as the 
        "path" argument for service selection.
    -   All _xrd_ arguments on qXRI are ignored by this operation.
    -   Returns the error code. If error, then the errorContext 
        output argument may contain additional error information. 

3. int sepResolve(
        in string qXRI, in string type, in string mediaType, 
        in boolean noFollowRefs, out string[] uriArray, 
        out string[] canonicalIDArray, out string serviceXML
        out string errorContext);

    -	  Performs both authority resolution and service selection,
        and, for the selected service, outputs (1) the (post 
        URI construction) list of URIs in order of priority, (2) 
        the canonicalID list in order of priority, and (3) the
        XML <xrd:Service> service element. 
    -   The first segment of the given qXRI is used for authority
        resolution phase. The remainder of the qXRI is used as the 
        "path" argument for service selection.
    -   All _xrd_ arguments on qXRI are ignored by this operation.
    -   Returns the error code. If error, then the errorContext 
        output argument may contain additional error information. 


Proxy Resolver Output 

This section shows the proxy resolver's output for the three
values of _xrd_r.

1. _xrd_r = "xrds"

    << The output is shown in section 3.2 of the spec. >>

2. _xrd_r = "uri"

    << The output is the highest priority URI subsequent to 
       URI construction. If an error occurs, then the output
       is *TBD* >>

3.  _xrd_r = "sep"

        <Status code="100"> 
            [[Would include optional context, if error.]] 



            <URI priority="10">http://resolve.example.com</URI>
            <URI priority="15">http://resolve2.example.com</URI>

    Notes about the above XML:
    -   URIs are post URI construction and are in order of priority.
    -   CanonicalIDs are in order of priority.
    -   <URI> and <CanonicalID> have no attributes in this context.
    -   The Service element has not been altered by URI construction
        or anything else.
    -   URI is now child of XRD as well as Service :-)

Please provide your feedback ASAP.

~ Steve

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