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Subject: RE: [xri] Questions regarding XRI Resoution as client of 2.1 abstract syntax


<A while back, I asked>

4.	Are six of the subsegment types reassignable and only one (bang)
persistent (as per the definition above)?


<You answered>

[=Drummond] No. A GCS character by itself is persistent. Then each subseg
inside a global-xref is persistent or not depending on whether it begins
with a bang. So a global-xref is persistent if and only if each of its
subsegs is persistent. Examples:

In #1 and #2, the global-xref beginning with = is persistent. In #3 and #4,
the entire XRI is persistent.

#1:	@example=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4
#2:	@example=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4!55
#3:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4
#4:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4!55

<My Response>

I don't think that it can work that way. Let me restate my understanding of
persistence: The notion of persistence is simply a convention for authority
resolution services (their registries) as follows: If I (a legal entity) pay
my registry for a persistent identifier, then my registry should not
reassign that identifier to someone else (unless I explicitly transfer it),
even if I stop paying my bill.

If this is a correct understanding of persistence, then you are saying that
the convention should apply to "+west" in "@ootao+west" -- in other words,
you are saying that the "@ootao" registry should not to reassign "+west" to
another legal entity. 

So then,

@ootao*west		*west is reassignable
@ootao*(+west)	*(+west) is reassignable

@ootao!west	      !west is persistent
@ootao!(+west)	!(+west) is persistent
@ootao+west		+west is persistent.       

It makes sense to me that if someone specifies "!west" or "!(+west)" that
their intention is to purchase a persistent identifier. It makes no sense to
me that "+west" has the same intent. If this is the case, I suggest we flush
the notion of persistent identifiers altogether. I think it ceases to be

Your thoughts?

~ Steve 

-----Original Message-----
From: Drummond Reed [mailto:drummond.reed@cordance.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:43 PM
To: 'Steven Churchill'; xri@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [xri] Questions regarding XRI Resoution as client of 2.1
abstract syntax

Steve, good questions, especially about the persistent of global-xrefs. See
[=Drummond] inline.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Churchill [mailto:steven.churchill@xdi.org] 
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 8:59 PM
To: xri@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xri] Questions regarding XRI Resoution as client of 2.1 abstract


I have some questions regarding the proposed 2.1 abstract syntax and XRI
Resolution as client.

For the benefit of those on the list who haven't been steeped in XRI
Resolution, let me give some context. [Drummond, my questions are below.]
The resolver invokes the XRI parser which returns a syntax tree conforming
to the abstract syntax. During the "authority resolution" phase, the
resolver walks through the top-level subsegments of this tree passing the
name of the "next" subsegment to the authority resolution service of the
"previous" subsegment, until it gets to then end.

In the 2.0 abstract syntax, the subsegments had two types--persistent and
reassignable. The notion of persistence is simply a convention for authority
resolution services (their registries) as follows: If I pay my registry for
a "bang" (persistent) identifier, then my registry should not reassign that
identifier to someone else, even if I stop paying my bill.

In the proposed 2.1 abstract syntax, the subsegments have seven types. Here
are my questions for Drummond:

1. 	Does the resolver still walk through the top-level subsegments (that
is, passing the name of the "next" subsegment to the authority resolution
service of the "previous" subsegment) as described above? [I would assume
the answer is yes.]

[=Drummond] Yes -- but note that global-xrefs are a type of subsegment per
your question 3 below.

2.	Can authority resolution services now accept 7 types of query? [I
would assume the answer is yes.]

[=Drummond] Yes.

3.	Does the resolver algorithm distinguish between "global" and "local"
subsegments. [I would assume the answer is no. The resolver simply walks
down the list of top-level subsegment invoking the authority resolution

[=Drummond] Yes, the resolver just walks down the list of "top-level"
subsegs, but the resolver algorithm DOES distinguish between global-xref and
local-xref as shown in the ABNF. A global-xref is the GCS character plus
zero or one typeless subseg plus zero or more local subsegs.

4.	Are six of the subsegment types reassignable and only one (bang)
persistent (as per the definition above)?

[=Drummond] No. A GCS character by itself is persistent. Then each subseg
inside a global-xref is persistent or not depending on whether it begins
with a bang. So a global-xref is persistent if and only if each of its
subsegs is persistent. Examples:

In #1 and #2, the global-xref beginning with = is persistent. In #3 and #4,
the entire XRI is persistent.

#1:	@example=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4
#2:	@example=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4!55
#3:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4
#4:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4!55

In all four examples below, the global-xref beginning with = is not
persistent, because it does not consist of all persistent subsegments.

#5:	@example=example.2
#6:	@example=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4*some.subseg
#7:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=example2!55
#8:	@!1000.2000.3000.4000=!1234.5678.a1b2.c3d4*some.subseg

5. 	If the answer to 3 above is "no", then why does the parser care
about sticky stars?

[=Drummond] See my answer to 3 above.

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