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Subject: Re: [xri] Re: Comment signing (was RE: [xri] CANCELLED: XRI TC Telecon Thursday 12/03)

On Dec 12, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Scott Cantor wrote:

> Will Norris wrote on 2009-12-12:
>> oops, also meant to clarify this last point.  My XPath is rusty, but
> you're
>> saying that an XPath query containing only a single element ID reference
>> excludes comment nodes?
> No. That syntax isn't an XPath query, it's a same-document URI reference.
> (This is 1.1, but it's the same text as the original spec.)
> http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-xmldsig-core1-20090730/#sec-Same-Document
>> I couldn't find anything to that effect in the
>> XPath spec, but that doesn't mean much.  I'm just curious why this syntax
>> automatically drops comment nodes.
> Basically because c14n over a node set doesn't strip comments automatically,
> so using a "no comments" c14n algorithm would end up including comments.
> It's a bug in the specs that they hacked around in a rather dumb way.

wow, yeah that is kinda ugly.  So did my proposed changes in the other email look okay?


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