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Subject: Re: [xri] Groups - XRI Syntax 3.0 Working Draft 03 (PDF) (xri-syntax-3.0-wd03.pdf) uploaded

Yes there's an experimental parser (a Java library) for this XRI Syntax 3.0 in OpenXRI:

There's a simple front-end here:

The XDI4j library uses the XRI Syntax 3.0 parser:

We implemented this using the wonderful "aParse" tool, which takes as input an ABNF (such as the one from the XRI Syntax 3.0 spec) and automatically turns it into a set of Java classes. The author of that tool also included XRI Syntax 3.0 as an example on his own site (but is using an outdated ABNF):

One thing we were planning but didn't get done yet is unify the XRI Syntax 2.0 and XRI Syntax 3.0 parsers under a set of common Java interfaces. This way you could write higher-level code (e.g. a loop to iterate over all subsegments) and simply switch between the syntaxes by using the respective other parser, without changing the higher-level code. I expect to do this once the XRI Syntax 3.0 is finalized..


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Drummond Reed <drummond.reed@xdi.org> wrote:
Nika, thank you. I feel like its a 1-year monkey off my back. The irony is that the vast majority of this was decided nine-12 months ago; I (and the other contributors) have just lacked the spec editing time.

But it can really use a very fresh set of eyes reviewing it, so please do post any feedback.

Also, I'm pretty sure Markus has implemented all of this in the OpenXRI libraries, so he can point you and others on the TC to the code behind his implementation. That was our goal 18 months ago - implement and prove it all out at least once BEFORE writing the spec.

For once we finally did it that way ;-)


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Nika Jones <njones@ouno.com> wrote:

I'm looking forward to reading and implementing this spec. Thanks for the
hard work!!


> This is the PDF version of XRI Syntax 3.0 WD 03, content complete and
> ready
> for detailed review.
>  -- Drummond Reed
> The document named XRI Syntax 3.0 Working Draft 03 (PDF)
> (xri-syntax-3.0-wd03.pdf) has been submitted by Drummond Reed to the OASIS
> Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI) TC document repository.
> Document Description:
> PDF version of XRI Syntax 3.0 WD 03 - Content complete
> View Document Details:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=35972
> Download Document:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/35972/xri-syntax-3.0-wd03.pdf
> PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email
> application
> may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and
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> -OASIS Open Administration

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