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Subject: Language expression


I am discussing the attribute schema URL with Japanese telcos.
It is supposed to be usable by not only OpenID but at other places as well.

(We know that there are efforts like PoCo and looking at them.)

One of the issue that we have is how to express the language preference
for each item.

For example, "fullname" is expressed as http://axschema.org/namePerson
in axschema, but it has no notion of the language nor the character
type. So, we do not know if the user would supply Kanji name or Katakana
name or Hiragana name or Alphabet name in Japanese. We need a way to
express them.

A very simplistic approach is to do something like:



Then, we know that there is a language issue. Unless we know the
language, we do not know how to display them. So, more plausible way of
expressing them might be:


etc. (Or http://axschema.org/namePerson/ja_JP/kanji, but since we could
set the default language, it is probably better to be

These are very ad-hoc way of doing it.

I thought XRI TC may have some opinion on them since you have been
dealing with $ qualifiers in the past.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


Nat Sakimura (=nat)

Nat Sakimura (n-sakimura@nri.co.jp)
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. 
Tel:+81-3-6274-1412 Fax:+81-3-6274-1547

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